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e - 搜索 词典 Rewards网页图片视频学术词典地图更多航班我的必应笔记本whale美 [hweɪl] 英 [weɪl] n.鲸鱼;【动】鲸;〈非正式〉巨大的事物;令人印象深刻的事物v.捕鲸;击打;猛击网络庞然大物;鲸品店;鲸类复数:whales  现在分词:whaling  过去式:whaled  权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义whale显示所有例句n.— see alsoblue whale,killer whale,pilot whale,sperm whale1.鲸a very large animal that lives in the sea and looks like a very large fish. There are several types of whale , some of which are hunted.whale meat鲸肉IDMhave a whale of a time(informal)玩得很痛快;过得非常快活to enjoy yourself very much; to have a very good timen.1.【动】鲸; 鲸鱼2.〈非正式〉巨大的事物; 令人印象深刻的事物; 令人愉悦的事物v.1.捕鲸2.击打; 猛击n.1.[Animal]a very large sea animal that breathes air through a hole on the top of its impressive, very large, or very enjoyable example of hunt hit or strike somebody or something with great force1.鲸月份与星期的英文_百度文库 ... armadillo 犰狳 whale 鲸 dolphin 河豚 ...|基于7043个网页2.鲸鱼鲸 - 搜搜百科 ... ◎ 鲸吞[ swallow like a whale] ◎ 鲸鱼[ whale] ◎ 鲸仔[ whale calf] ...|基于5568个网页3.庞然大物高中英语单词表 ... what pron. 什么 a.多么,何等;什么;尽可能多的 whale n. 鲸;庞然大物 westwards a. 向西的 ...|基于141个网页4.捕鲸雅思阅读词汇 ... regenerate vt. 再产生 whale n. 鲸 v.捕鲸 whaling n. 捕鲸 ...|基于62个网页5.鲸品店 ... 开天辟地 geology 鲸品店 whale 地理小站 geog ...|基于42个网页6.鲸类鲸类(WHALE)热带鱼(Tropical Fish)文章: 184 蜘蛛(Aracnids)甲虫(BEETLES)蝴蝶(BUTTERFLIES)蝴蝶II(BUTTERFLIES)辨别 …|基于35个网页7.鲸的支持暗黑1!!!!暗黑1攻略_暗黑破坏神吧_百度贴吧 ... Perfection( 完美的,+35)。 )、Whale( 鲸的,+81~100)。 )、Zodi…|基于16个网页8.巨鲸Whale_巨鲸_Tencent Weibo ... Whale_ 巨鲸: ...|基于11个网页更多释义收起释义例句释义:全部全部,鲸鱼鲸鱼,鲸鲸,〈非正式〉巨大的事物〈非正式〉巨大的事物,令人印象深刻的事物令人印象深刻的事物,捕鲸捕鲸,击打击打,猛击猛击,庞然大物庞然大物,鲸品店鲸品店,鲸类鲸类类别:全部全部,口语口语,书面语书面语,标题标题,技术技术来源:全部全部,字典字典,网络网络难度:全部全部,简单简单,中等中等,难难更多例句筛选收起例句筛选1.The adult male was tangled in fishing nets about a mile out to sea. Divers think the whale may have been tangled there for up to two months.这头成年雄性鲸鱼在距离海岸一英里处的渔网里挣扎,潜水员们猜测它已经在那里挣扎了两个月以上。 dead. Its body is taken aboard the ship. A crew of men sets to work stripping the great whale of its blubber.鲸鱼死了,它的身体被拖上了船的甲板。一个水手带着工具,去剥离这条巨大的鲸鱼的鲸脂。dict.ebigear.com3.But whether a whale primarily intends its song to impress females or to intimidate other males with its swanky style remains unclear.然而,它的主要目的是吸引异性,还是用时髦的风格恐吓其他雄性鲸鱼,我们不得而知。 novel Whale Song was the only novel of mine he had ever read. And this ties him to me even closer.《鲸之歌》是他读过的唯一一本我的小说,这使我们的关系更近了。dongxi.net5.Rescuers think the whale had been dragging the net and its anchors for more than a week.救援者认为这头鲸已经拖着渔网和网锚超过了一星期。bbs.putclub.com6.The RSPCA said, with the benefit of hindsight, it may have been better to put the whale down as soon as it was discovered.RSPCA表示,这一系列惨痛教训表明,在发现鲸搁浅时,最明智的办法是对它尽快实施安乐死。 was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt.这是宣告捕鲸行动马上就要开始的声音。www.hjenglish.com8.before he was a year old, and fell in love with the whale after seeing him perform in an aquarium show.这个男孩在不到一岁的时候就开始学游泳,他在水族馆里看了大白鲸的表演之后就喜欢上了那条鲸。 notes, however, that her team has not found a case of skin cancer in any of the samples of whale skin it has examined thus far.到目前为止,她的研究小组在检查过的鲸皮样品中尚未发现皮肤癌的病例。 to two or three inches long, krill provides the major food for the great blue whale, the largest animal to ever inhabit the Earth.越来越两三英寸长,主要渔获为粮食大蓝鲸,最大的动物都生活在地球上。© 2024 Microsoft隐私声明和 Cookie法律声明广告帮

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killer whale (Orcinus orca)

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species of whalesWhales (order Cetacea).(more)whale, any of the larger species of aquatic mammals belonging to the order Cetacea. The term whale can be used in reference to any cetacean, including porpoises and dolphins, but in general it is applied to those more than 3 metres (10 feet) long. An exception is the 2.7-metre dwarf sperm whale (Kogia simus), so called for its otherwise striking resemblance to its larger namesake. Whales are the heaviest known animals, living or fossil, reaching a maximum size in the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) of perhaps more than 30 metres and 200 metric tons (220 short [U.S.] tons). Large predatory whales, including the killer whale, are often considered to be the apex predators (meaning they have no natural predators or enemies) of their marine environments.breeding grounds and migration routes of the humpback whaleWhales are distributed throughout the world’s oceans and seas, from the Equator to the polar ice, except for the landlocked Caspian and Aral seas. They are mammals, and they share the defining traits of that group: they breathe air, are warm-blooded, give live birth, suckle their young on milk, and have hair. All are entirely aquatic, with specialized adaptations such as flippers and tail flukes for living in water. Whales must surface regularly to breathe, evacuating their lungs more completely than most mammals in an almost explosive breath known as a blow. Blows are visible because water vapour in the whale’s hot breath condenses when the blow is released.

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Despite living in a medium that has much greater thermal conduction characteristics than air, whales, like other mammals, must regulate their body temperature. Hair, however, is restricted to the head, appearing mainly as isolated whiskers (vibrissae) near the mouth and blowhole. Blubber serves as an insulating layer to protect small whales from hypothermia. Large whales have the opposite problem in that they can produce too much heat; they possess elaborate thermoregulation mechanisms to prevent overheating.Because of the restricted utility of vision underwater, whales use sound to perceive and interpret their environment and to communicate, sometimes over vast distances. Biologists have computed that the 10-hertz sounds of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus), for example, can travel over 1,800 km (1,100 miles). Toothed whales can produce sounds and interpret their reflections via active echolocation. The extent to which baleen whales have this ability is unknown.Following internal fertilization, female whales are pregnant for about a year. The young are relatively large when born—one-third to one-half the length of the mother. They are nursed for about six months on extremely rich milk containing almost 50 percent fat. Whales have one pair of nipples located at the rear of the abdomen near the genital opening.Humpback whales: Size, behavior, and threatsLearn about the humpback whale.(more)See all videos for this articleThe first fossil whales are known from rocks approximately 50 million years old (Early Eocene Epoch). These members of the extinct suborder Archaeoceti are the primitive whales from which modern whales are derived. They show many similarities to terrestrial mammals, including a differentiated dentition (heterodonty) consisting of incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Archaeocetes gave rise to the living suborders: the baleen whales (suborder Mysticeti) and the toothed whales (suborder Odontoceti).

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Mysticetes have baleen plates and take small prey by the mouthful, mainly in the form of drifting (planktonic) crustaceans such as copepods and krill, but they also occasionally consume small schooling fish or squid. One interesting departure from this pattern is the gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus), which commonly eats shrimp and other bottom-dwelling creatures: it scoops up mud and strains it through the baleen plates, retaining its food. Odontocetes have simple teeth (homodonty) and pursue individual squid, fish, and other prey. The largest odontocete, the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), occasionally feeds on giant squid.

Explore the Whale Museum and the whales around the San Juan IslandsA discussion of whales around the San Juan Islands of Washington, from the documentary Science at Sea: The Whale Museum.(more)See all videos for this articleHumans have long utilized stranded whales as a food resource, and historically whales were hunted for whale oil and baleen. In the early 20th century, as demand increased and technology enabled meat to be frozen at sea, whales began to be taken in larger numbers for human consumption and for specialty products. Scientific concern over the increased catch of whales in the Southern Hemisphere in the 1930s led to the ratification of the International Whaling Convention and the founding of the International Whaling Commission in 1946. Through the years this agency has acted to moderate whaling, and it instituted a moratorium on commercial whaling in the late 1980s. Some whaling still occurs under special permit. Native peoples are also allowed to continue traditional whale hunting that has been a part of their culture. The Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaThis article was most recently revised and updated by John P. Rafferty.

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Gray whales like this one migrate up to 10,000 miles a year, from the warm waters of Baja California to their feeding grounds in the Bering Sea.

Gray whales like this one migrate up to 10,000 miles a year, from the warm waters of Baja California to their feeding grounds in the Bering Sea.

Photograph by Thomas P. Peschak, Nat Geo Image CollectionAnimalsReferenceWhalesShareTweetEmailCommon Name: WhalesScientific Name: CetaceaDiet: CarnivoreAverage Life Span: unknownSize: 9 feet to 98 feet longWeight: 500 pounds to 200 tons Current Population Trend: UnknownWhales are the largest animals on Earth and they live in every ocean. The massive mammals range from the 600-pound dwarf sperm whale to the colossal blue whale, which can weigh more than 200 tons and stretch up to 100 feet long—almost as long as a professional basketball court.Whales are warm-blooded creatures that nurse their young.Types of whalesThere are two types of whales: toothed and baleen. Toothed whales, as the name suggests, have teeth, which are used to hunt and eat squid, fish, and seals. Toothed whales include sperm whales, as well as dolphins, porpoises, and orcas, among others. The narwhal’s “horn” is actually one long tooth protruding through its lip.Baleen whales are larger than toothed whales, for the most part. They include blue whales, humpbacks, right whales, bowhead whales, and others. They feed by straining tiny shrimp-like creatures called krill through the fringed plates of long, fingernail-like material called baleen attached to their upper jaws.Whale callsWhales, particularly humpbacks, produce otherworldly vocalizations that can be heard for miles underwater. The songs, complex combinations of moans, howls, and cries that can continue for hours, are produced when whales push air around in their heads, then amplify the sounds through a blob of fat that perches on the top jaw. It’s thought that whales communicate through the calls, which researchers believe can be heard for thousands of miles.ThreatsThough the stark population declines from hunting have largely stopped, several whale species are threatened or endangered—including the blue whale, right whale, and fin whale—by a combination of fishing net entanglements and being struck by ships.3:41Blue Whales 101Blue whales are the largest animals to have ever existed. 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B1 a very large sea mammal that breathes air through a hole at the top of its head


The communicative ability of the whale is thought to be highly developed.International measures have been taken to prevent the extermination of the whale .The whale has a very distinctive call.


have a whale of a time

a whale of a

(whale在剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



Thus, a lower capacity to complete meiosis in oocytes derived from prepubertal whales may be supported by these findings.

来自 Cambridge English Corpus

As few whaling ships carried meteorological instruments, atmospheric temperature and pressure records are rare.

来自 Cambridge English Corpus

Thus, whales at the beginning of the breeding season might produce various songs that end up converging toward a unique interpretation within the group.

来自 Cambridge English Corpus

Of particular value among whaling records are the logbooks that were kept on board the ships, recording day-to-day events of each voyage.

来自 Cambridge English Corpus

She was, for a short period of time, a floating refinery for the whaling fleet.

来自 Cambridge English Corpus

The post-lapsarian world impinged with the first sightings of commodities, seals and whales.

来自 Cambridge English Corpus

Why do whales and hummingbirds have so similar a range of capacities?

来自 Cambridge English Corpus

Animals, including whales and dolphins, do not engage in pedagogy, and with the exception of vocal mimicry, evidence for motor imitation is weak as well.

来自 Cambridge English Corpus








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在英语词典中查看 whale 的释义


whack job











minke whale

sperm whale

humpback whale

killer whale

white whale, at beluga

beluga whale, at beluga

a whale of a idiom



a whale of a idiom

have a whale of a time idiom

beat/knock/whale the tar out of someone idiom



veggie burger


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/ˈvedʒ.i ˌbɝː.ɡɚ/

a type of food similar to a hamburger but made without meat, by pressing together small pieces of vegetables, seeds, etc. into a flat, round shape



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Also known as: Balaenoptera musculus, Sibbaldus musculus, sulfur-bottom, sulfur-bottom whale

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Last Updated:

Mar 5, 2024

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Mar. 4, 2024, 1:44 AM ET (Sci.News)

Giant Fossil Whale Perucetus Did Not Exceed Body Mass of Today’s Blue Whales: Study

blue whale, (Balaenoptera musculus), the most massive animal ever to have lived, a species of baleen whale that weighs approximately 150 tons and may attain a length of more than 30 metres (98 feet). The largest accurately measured blue whale was a 29.5-metre female that weighed 180 metric tons (nearly 200 short [U.S.] tons), but there are reports of 33-metre catches that may have reached 200 metric tons. The heart of one blue whale was recorded at nearly 700 kg (about 1,500 pounds).blue whaleWhale-watching boat alongside a blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), Sea of Cortez, Mexico. Adult blue whales can grow to lengths of more than 30 metres (98 feet).(more)The blue whale is a cetacean and is classified scientifically within the order Cetacea as a rorqual (family Balaenopteridae) related to the gray whale (family Eschrichtiidae) and the right whales (Balaenidae and Neobalaenidae) of the baleen whale suborder, Mysticeti.

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Animal Factoids

blue whale surfacingA blue whale surfacing in the ocean.(more)blue whaleIllustration of a blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus).(more)Blue whales are blue-gray in colour with lighter gray mottling in the form of large spots, which appear as if they were dabbed on with a huge paintbrush. The lower surfaces of the flippers are lighter gray or white in some instances. The blue whale has been called the sulfur-bottom whale because of the yellowish underside of some individuals that is reminiscent of the pale yellow colour of that chemical element; this coloration is imparted by certain algae (diatoms) living on the whale’s body. The blue whale has a wide head, a small dorsal fin located near the fluke, and 80–100 long grooves running lengthwise down the throat and chest. Its mouth contains up to 800 plates of short, wide, black baleen, or “whalebone,” with thick, coarse bristles used for catching food. Females are generally larger than males, and the largest animals live in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica.The blue whale is found alone or in small groups in all oceans, but populations in the Southern Hemisphere are much larger. In the Northern Hemisphere, blue whales can be seen regularly in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and off the coasts of Monterey, California, and Baja California, Mexico. They spend the summer in polar waters, feeding on shrimplike crustaceans called krill. During a dive, the blue whale may engage in a series of turns and 360° rolls to locate prey and rapidly reorient its body to sweep up large concentrations of krill in a single open-mouthed lunge. A single adult blue may consume as much as eight tons of krill per day. In the winter blue whales move toward the Equator to breed. After a gestation of about 12 months, one calf about 8 metres (about 26 feet) long is born in temperate waters. While nursing, calves gain up to 90 kg (about 198 pounds) per day on the rich milk of their mothers. Young are weaned after seven to eight months, when they have reached a length of about 15 metres (about 49 feet).

Once the most important of the commercially hunted baleen whales, the blue whale was greatly reduced in numbers during the first half of the 20th century. In the 1930–31 season alone the worldwide kill of blue whales exceeded 29,000. The species has been protected from commercial whaling since the mid-1960s. Populations of blue whales appear to be recovering and are estimated worldwide at between 10,000 and 25,000 animals. However, the International Union for Conservation of Nature still lists the blue whale as an endangered species. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica This article was most recently revised and updated by John P. Rafferty.












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B1 a very large sea mammal that breathes air through a hole at the top of its head


The communicative ability of the whale is thought to be highly developed.International measures have been taken to prevent the extermination of the whale .The whale has a very distinctive call.


have a whale of a time

a whale of a

(whale在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press)



There have been suggestions of gene-culture coevolution in cetaceans, and culture may be implicated in some unusual behavioural and life-history traits of whales and dolphins.

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Fetal whales reach a body length of 2.6-3.0 m at birth.

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She was an old barquerigged whaling ship, of about 230 tons.

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In the target article, we tried to look objectively at the phenomenon of culture among whales and dolphins.

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Later we passed many large pieces with large seals, penguins, and two whales about 35 feet long.

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Next comes birds, divided into seabirds and penguins, followed by mammals, with sections on whales and seals.

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Today krill is consumed by an increased abundance of smaller whales (minkes), seals (notably the crabeater seal) and seabirds (notably several penguin species), plus humans.

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In theory, such a framework should have guaranteed not only the survival of the world's great whales but their sustainable use for human benefit.

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Blue whale, facts and photos

Blue whale, facts and photos

Skip to contentNewslettersSubscribeMenuAnimalsReferenceBlue whale3:41WATCH: Blue Whales 101Blue whales are the largest animals to have ever existed. Learn why they're larger than any land animal and why they were hunted for years.ShareTweetEmailPlease be respectful of copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited.Please be respectful of copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited.1 / 21 / 2

A blue whale's tongue alone can weigh as much as an elephant—its heart as much as an automobile.

A blue whale's tongue alone can weigh as much as an elephant—its heart as much as an automobile.

Photograph by Hiroya Minakuchi, Minden Pictures/Nat Geo Image CollectionCommon Name: Blue WhaleScientific Name: Balaenoptera musculusType: MammalsDiet: CarnivoreGroup Name: PodAverage Life Span In The Wild: 80 to 90 yearsSize: 82 to 105 feetWeight: Up to 200 tonsSize relative to a bus: IUCN Red List Status: ? Endangered LCNTVUENCREWEX Least Concern Extinct Current Population Trend: IncreasingWhat is the blue whale?Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth. These magnificent marine mammals rule the oceans at up to 100 feet long and upwards of 200 tons. Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant. Their hearts, as much as an automobile.Diet of krillBlue whales reach these mind-boggling dimensions on a diet composed nearly exclusively of tiny shrimplike animals called krill. During certain times of the year, a single adult blue whale consumes about 4 tons of krill a day.Blue whales are baleen whales, which means they have fringed plates of fingernail-like material, called baleen, attached to their upper jaws. The giant animals feed by first gulping an enormous mouthful of water, expanding the pleated skin on their throat and belly to take it in. Then the whale's massive tongue forces the water out through the thin, overlapping baleen plates. Thousands of krill are left behind—and then swallowed.Coloring and appearanceBlue whales look true blue underwater, but on the surface their coloring is more a mottled blue-gray. Their underbellies take on a yellowish hue from the millions of microorganisms that take up residence in their skin. The blue whale has a broad, flat head and a long, tapered body that ends in wide, triangular flukes.Vocalization and behaviorBlue whales live in all the world's oceans, except the Arctic, occasionally swimming in small groups but usually alone or in pairs. They often spend summers feeding in polar waters and undertake lengthy migrations towards the Equator as winter arrives.These graceful swimmers cruise the ocean at more than five miles an hour, but accelerate to more than 20 miles an hour when they are agitated. Blue whales are among the loudest animals on the planet. They emit a series of pulses, groans, and moans, and it’s thought that, in good conditions, blue whales can hear each other up to 1,000 miles away. Scientists think they use these vocalizations not only to communicate, but, along with their excellent hearing, to sonar-navigate the lightless ocean depths.Blue whale calvesCalves enter the world already ranking among the planet's largest creatures. After about a year inside its mother's womb, a baby blue whale emerges weighing up to 3 tons and stretching to 25 feet. It gorges on nothing but mother's milk and gains about 200 pounds every day for its first year.LongevityBlue whales are among Earth's longest-lived animals. Scientists have discovered that by counting the layers of a deceased whale's waxlike earplugs, they can get a close estimate of the animal's age. The oldest blue whale found using this method was determined to be around 110 years old. Average lifespan is estimated at around 80 to 90 years.ConservationAggressive hunting in the 1900s by whalers seeking whale oil drove them to the brink of extinction. Between 1900 and the mid-1960s, some 360,000 blue whales were slaughtered. They finally came under protection with the 1966 International Whaling Commission, but they've managed only a minor recovery since then.Blue whales have few predators but are known to fall victim to attacks by sharks and killer whales, and many are injured or die each year from impacts with large ships.Please be respectful of copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited.Please be respectful of copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited.Please be respectful of copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited.Please be respectful of copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited.Please be respectful of copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited.1 / 51 / 5This photo was submitted to Your Shot, our photo community on Instagram. Follow us on Instagram at @natgeoyourshot or visit us at for the latest submissions and news about the community.This photo was submitted to Your Shot, our photo community on Instagram. Follow us on Instagram at @natgeoyourshot or visit us at for the latest submissions and news about the community.Photograph by Dilum Alagiyawanna, National Geographic Your ShotShareTweetEmailGo FurtherAnimalsResort flamingos are being returned to the wildAnimalsResort flamingos are being returned to the wildHow an ‘extinct’ cicada was rediscovered 100 years laterAnimalsHow an ‘extinct’ cicada was rediscovered 100 years laterThe mystery of the Coast Salish woolly dogAnimalsThe mystery of the Coast Salish woolly dogSingle orca seen killing great white shark for first time everAnimalsSingle orca seen killing great white shark for first time everFirst-ever photos show male humpback whales matingAnimalsFirst-ever photos show male humpback whales matingMeet the newest ‘walking’ fishAnimalsMeet the newest ‘walking’ fishEnvironmentHow animals are adapting to the rise of wildfiresEnvironmentHow animals are adapting to the rise of wildfiresFast fashion goes to die in this Chilean desertEnvironmentFast fashion goes to die in this Chilean desertThis is where ‘forever chemicals’ are hiding in your kitchenEnvironmentThis is where ‘forever chemicals’ are hiding in your kitchenYou're not imagining it—winters are getting warmerEnvironmentYou're not imagining it—winters are getting warmerMexico is treating corn from the U.S. as a threat. 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Reviewed by Nick Pyenson, Smithsonian NMNH


Anatomy, Diversity & Evolution

Anatomy & Physiology

What Makes a Whale a Whale?

Body Structure


Adapting to Water

Sleeping While Swimming



Toothed versus Baleen Whales


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The 1963 Blue Whale

The 2003 Right Whale – Phoenix

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Cerro Ballena

Learning From Mysterious Baleen


Rice's Whale

When we think of whales, the enormous ones that filter tiny plankton from seawater with their baleen-fringed upper jaw often come first to mind (like the right whale in the picture above). But cetaceans also include dolphins, porpoises and other toothed whales, and in total contain more than 80 different species. They are found in all of the world’s oceans, and even in some freshwater rivers. Despite their very different diets and sizes, both baleen whales (Mysticeti) and toothed whales (Odontoceti) share a common (and perhaps surprising) ancestor—land-dwelling mammals related to today’s hippos that lived over 50 million years ago. On this page, we will generally refer to all cetaceans as whales, and in some instances specify when referring to traits or behaviors unique to toothed whales, baleen whales, or specific species. 

Whales have always captured our hearts—the moans that come from humpback whales and the clicks from common dolphins remind us of our own human conversations. We even sent humpback whale songs into outer space with the spacecrafts Voyager 1 and 2, engraved on golden records for another civilization to decipher. We know that cetaceans are intelligent, but there is still so much to learn about how they think and communicate. Their long migration routes and deep dives mean that they are not easy to track. Despite the popularity of whale watches and long-term interest in protecting whales, even knowing something as basic as the number of whales over time is a challenging question to answer.

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Anatomy, Diversity & Evolution

Anatomy & Physiology

What Makes a Whale a Whale?

Whales are mammals which means that, like humans and other land mammals, they have three inner ear bones and hair, they breathe air, and the females produce milk through mammary glands and suckle their young. Mammals typically have hair to maintain body heat, but because cetaceans have insulating fat in the form of blubber they are often born with minimal hair that is lost as they grow older. They also share other characteristics with land mammals, but they have evolved numerous traits that allow for their full-time life in the water. 

Body Structure

The fluke from the right whale named Phoenix, as seen in 2004.

(New England Aquarium, photographer Tim Frasier)

Whales may be large, but their bodies are streamlined to help aid in efficient swimming. Cetacean flukes move vertically through the water (unlike fish that typically move their tails horizontally back and forth). Their flippers (or pectoral fins) are modified forelimbs with an immobile elbow joint and are used mainly for steering, whereas flukes help propel the animals forward. When present, the dorsal fin is helpful for stability and has no support in the way of bones.  

Whales are able to survive in deep or freezing polar water because of a layer of fat, called blubber, covering their entire body underneath the skin. Blubber is much thicker than the fat found in other mammals. Blubber is also less dense than the seawater cetaceans swim in, similar to wetsuits used for surfing or diving, which gives the animals buoyancy and helps them float. Blubber thickness has quite the range—varying from two to more than 12 inches thick depending on the species. The thicker blubber doesn’t necessarily mean that an animal is more insulated from the cold though—its main purpose is providing the animal with nutrition stores through winter months when food is scarce. 

Larger species also retain heat because their skin surface area is small compared to the size of their bodies. Smaller species make use of higher metabolism and a counter-current heat exchange system of blood vessels in their flukes and flippers to keep warm. This exchange allows for cold blood in the limbs to move from the animal’s extremities in veins directly along arteries carrying warm blood from the animal’s core, instead of losing heat at the surface of the animal’s skin. Their blood vessels are also able to constrict when an animal is in cold water, reducing the amount of energy needed to pump blood throughout the circulatory system and conserving heat.  

In addition to large bodies, cetaceans have large brains—sperm whales currently hold the title for the largest absolute brain size on the planet. The brain to body size ratio is also important, and the only animals with a brain to body size ratio larger than whales are humans. The result is a capacity for complex behaviors and societies, especially in oceanic dolphins, including orcas. 


Both baleen and toothed whales breathe through blowholes--the whale’s version of nostrils. The telltale spouts that are formed on the surface occur when whales expel warm air that meets colder air on the surface and condenses into small water droplets.

(Andrew Russell, Flickr)

Both baleen and toothed whales breathe through blowholes (the whale’s version of nostrils). These are found on the top of their head and connect to their lungs. Because cetaceans only eat through their mouths, which is not connected to their lungs, they are able to reduce the possibility of drowning from water moving into their lungs while eating a meal. Whales belonging to the group known as Mysticeti (baleen whales) have two blowholes, while toothed whales (Odontoceti) have only one. Unlike humans who breathe automatically, whales have active control of when they breathe. Cetaceans have specific control over a muscle called the nasal plug that closes the passageway of the blowhole—it remains closed when they are diving and is opened when they reach the surface. 

Air exchange through the blowhole at the surface is very quick, taking only a fraction of a second to exhale and then inhale to fill their lungs with air. Typically, whales will breathe several times before diving again and then can stay underwater for a period of time—usually 5-15 minutes. Sperm and beaked whales (both of which are kinds of toothed whales) can even last an hour underwater before coming to the surface for another breath. 

The telltale spouts that are formed on the surface occur when whales expel warm air that meets colder air on the surface and condenses into small water droplets. These spouts are unique to the different groups and species in part due to the different shapes that form from either one or two holes, but also because of varying blowhole shapes and animal sizes. The variations allow biologists and recreational whale watchers to identify cetacean species from a distance if they see a spout.  

Adapting to Water

Large lung capacity—the blue whale can hold an equivalent of 1,300 gallons of air—allows cetaceans to swim for long periods of time without coming to the surface for a breath. But, their respiratory and circulatory systems are also much more efficient than mammals on land. Humans can only absorb between 15 and 20 percent of the oxygen inhaled in one breath, but for whales that percentage jumps to over 80 percent, thanks to their blood makeup. When baleen and toothed whales dive, their heart rates slow down and higher amounts of myoglobin molecules in their blood allow for more efficient capture of oxygen. They are able to maintain more myoglobin due to special “non-stick” abilities that mean the surfaces of the blood cells won’t stick together and clog the bloodstream. Their streamlined bodies also help reduce the amount of oxygen needed. 

Despite their need to come to the surface regularly to breathe, cetaceans are able to dive to significant depths. Orcas usually only dive for less than a minute to five minutes before surfacing again, but even so they are able to reach depths over 300 feet (or more than 100 meters). Sperm whales are able to dive for over an hour and to depths greater than 6,000 feet (or 1,828 meters). Cuvier’s beaked whale has been recorded diving to 9,816 feet (2,992 meters), equivalent to the height of the Empire State Building; that means that they are covering the distance of 16 football fields and have to deal with increased pressure the deeper they go. Sperm whales, Cuvier’s beaked whales, and bottlenose whales are all deep divers and (along with some other deep-diving seals) have certain adaptations that allow for high levels of pressure on their lungs, nasal cavities and other air-filled spaces. Because the whales aren’t breathing while diving (they are getting oxygen from stores in their blood) their lungs are able to collapse from the increased pressure, reducing the amount of nitrogen that makes its way into the blood stream and the risk of forming dangerous bubbles when returning to the surface (what SCUBA divers call the bends). They can also cut off blood flow to the extremities, keeping the oxygenated blood by the heart and brain. Other air spaces, like ear canals and sinuses, are lined with special tissues that reduce pressure.

Sleeping While Swimming

How do whales and dolphins get any sleep while swimming? They have several mechanisms that prevent water from flowing into their blowholes (see Eating and Breathing section) even while they sleep. But, whales have to consciously go to the surface and breathe, so they aren’t able to entirely shut down their brains for some shuteye. Dolphins will shut down half of their brain for short durations of time while they continue to swim and breathe with the opposite hemisphere functioning and keeping an eye out for danger. (Literally, one of their eyes is open at all times!). They will continue to switch the side that gets rest until they get a full night’s sleep, of around eight hours. Whales will also rest in a semi-conscious state with the orientation of their bodies either vertically or horizontally, typically in groups. Logging behavior is a rest state for whales and dolphins when they are at the surface. They don’t move and resemble a floating log.


(For information on cetacean vision and hearing see the Behavior section.)



Like other mammals, all whales can produce sound using a larynx, an organ in the throat. In baleen whales, between the blowhole and the lungs there is a special larynx called the U-fold that directly connects to a unique, expandable sac within the whale’s chest. When the whale “talks,” air flows from the lungs, through the U-fold, and then fills the sac. The vibrations made by the U-fold reverberate within the air-filled sac, a system that allows these whales to create a sound loud enough to travel thousands of kilometers. Whales can also sing as they expel air from the sacs back into the lungs, a process that recycles the air and eliminates the need to exhale.

Hearing involves the perception of vibrations and underwater sound vibrations cause the entire skull to vibrate, not just the membranes in the ears. This is why sound underwater sounds garbled to humans. Over millions of years, whales have evolved floating middle and inner ear bones that are separate from the skull as a way to hear more clearly. The ear bones that house the middle ear are actually separate from the skull, housed in a suspended chamber of the skull surrounding the ear bones. Hearing is important for both baleen and toothed whales, but the mechanisms they use to take in and interpret sound may be different.

Credit: Courtesy of Kait Frasier

Just like dolphins, beaked whales send pulses of high-frequency sound through the water that work like a SONAR ping to find prey in the dark waters of the deep. Each species broadcasts a unique frequency, enabling scientists to identify the species by using sound recording devices like hydrophones. Listen to sample audio above.

Toothed whales receive high-frequency sounds through specialized “acoustic fats” that sit along their lower jawbone and lead to their internal ears. They use echolocation, or biological sonar, to navigate and “see” objects. Toothed whales can expand their sound repertoire into the high frequencies through the use of nasal air sacs and a fatty melon that sits within their forehead. As air moves through the air sacs via the nasal passage it vibrates small fat bodies that create sound; this sound then passes through the melon, which likely acts as a kind of acoustic lens to focus the sound, and its direction. The whale can change the shape of the melon to produce different sounds. This is how they can add complexity to the high-frequency sounds used in echolocation. Toothed whales then hear the echo of this sound through fat bodies lodged inside their lower jaws; fat transmits the high-frequency sound to their ear bones, which the whale’s large brain then processes to give a view of the world, and the objects in it, through sound.

An unidentified earplug from the National Museum of Natural History collection. The light and dark layers come from a build up of keratin and lipids and can be used to estimate whale age.

(Megan Chen, NMNH)

Baleen whales specialize in hearing low-frequency sounds for long-distance communication. They also have fatty tissue that seems important to their hearing, but the specific mechanisms are not well understood. Smithsonian scientists are exploring how these two groups come to have such different ways of hearing. 

In all whales, the ear canal is plugged by a dense wax, which can tell us a lot about the life history of the whale it comes from. Unlike most mammals, whales do not have external ear flaps. 


The physics of light control how vision works. On land where light is abundant, humans see the world using three specific color receptors. But underwater light is filtered, and in deeper water, many wavelengths are lost so that colors lose their vibrancy, fading altogether at deeper depths. Whales, adapting to this environment, only have one color receptor—they see in greyscale, which allows them to see better in the low light and they have large pupils to allow as much light in as possible. However, the murky waters of the Ganges have proven too dark for the river dolphins that live there. Over time they have lost their vision altogether—with no lens it is thought they still use the eye to perceive light—and instead rely on echolocation to navigate and hunt for prey.

A close up of a grey whale eye.

(© Claudio Contreras Koob / Nature's Best Photography Awards 2018)

Whales have also adapted the shape of their eye to better see underwater. Terrestrial animals, including humans, rely on the cornea—the clear outer layer of the eye—to focus images using a property called refraction, a bending of light as it crosses through different materials. As light travels through the air and enters the eye, it bends and creates a focused image on the retina with a bit of help from the lens. Underwater, terrestrial animals become far-sighted because the fluid of the eye and the water are so similar; light doesn’t bend enough and the image doesn’t focus effectively. To make up for this, a whale instead relies entirely on its lens to focus an image—which isn’t very effective. Whale lenses are circular to help focus, while ours are slightly flattened.

A whale’s vision is further differentiated from ours in that they have an eye on either side of their head, resulting in two distinct fields of vision, but as to how whales combine the two into a cohesive image, scientists are still unsure. Some species with more narrow face shapes, such as dolphins and beluga whales, can see with binocular vision—where they stitch together a single image, the way humans see.


Toothed versus Baleen Whales

North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) are big—but they're not the biggest whales. That distinction goes to the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus).

(Smithsonian Institution)


The most species-rich group of whales alive is today are the toothed whales, or Odontoceti. There are over 70 different species that are found from cold Arctic waters to warm tropical ones. The odontocetes include dolphins and porpoises, as well as the larger beaked and sperm whales, as well as river dolphins. The group includes many extinct lineages as well, which represented different types of extinct toothed whales that in some cases still have close relatives, while in others represented uniquely extinct groups.   

A male sperm whale feeding near the surface.

(© Nathalie Jaquet)

Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) are the largest of the toothed whales, reaching up to 66 feet (20 meters) long. Vaquita (Phocoena sinus), Hector’s (Cephalorhynchus hectori) and Maui’s (Cephalorhynchus hectori maui) dolphins are among the smallest toothed whale species, each reaching less than 5 feet long. Narwhals (Monodon monoceros) are known for their long unicorn-like tusk, which is a modified canine tooth. They are most closely related to the iconic white beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas), which are in the same family. 

There are almost 40 members of the family Delphinidae, and some taxonomists consider it a bit of a grab-bag. These are the oceanic, or true dolphins, and include bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris), pilot whales (Globicephala spp.), orcas or killer whales (Orcinus orca) and false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens). In this overview, we will refer to Orcinus orca as orcas. Dolphins are known for their streamlined bodies, an elongated rostrum (or beak), and a curved dorsal fin. Orcas are the largest members of the dolphin family. 

Porpoises belong to the family Phocoenidae, of which there are six members. Porpoises have stouter bodies and shorter beaks than the true dolphins and are typically smaller, with triangular dorsal fins. 

Sperm whales, pygmy sperm whales (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf sperm whales (Kogia sima) make up the Physeteroidea group. The large heads of whales in this superfamily are where you can find the spermaceti, an organ used for communication and echolocation (see more in Echolocation and Communication sections). Male sperm whales are the largest of the toothed whales, reaching lengths of 60 feet, while the females only reach an average of 36 feet. This phenomenon, when the sexes are physically very different, is referred to as sexual dimorphism and this type of size difference among the sexes is found in many whale species. 

Beaked whales are some of the most enigmatic of the toothed whales, spending much of their time in deep water—the Cuvier’s (Ziphius cavirostris) and Baird’s (Berardius bairdii) beaked whales can dive to depths of more than 1,000 meters.


The filter-feeding baleen whales belong to the Mysticeti group of whales. This group has fewer species today than odontocetes—there are only 14 living species of baleen whales, belonging to four families. The Balaenopteridae family (also known as the rorquals) has the largest number of species and include blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus), the largest vertebrate that has ever existed. Blue whales can reach lengths of over 30 meters (98 feet) and weigh over 190 tons. Right whales include North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis), their near relatives North Pacific right whales (Eubalaena japonica) and Southern right whales (Eubalaena australis). Other baleen whales include the enigmatic pygmy right whales (Caperea marginata) that live today only in the Southern Ocean and gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus). Pygmy right whales reach only about 20 feet in length, making them the smallest of the baleen whales. 

Phoenix is seen skim feeding off the coast of Maine in August 2004.

(Allied Whale, College of the Atlantic)

Generally, baleen whales are also found throughout the world’s oceans, and they are named for the plates of baleen in their mouth that filter out food from large gulps of ocean water (see Feeding section). Female baleen whales tend to be larger than males of the same species, another example of sexual dimorphism.


A Move to the Sea

The fossil record of whales helps scientists understand how the whales we know today have evolved over the past 50 million years, since the time of the earliest whales that lived on land. The earliest fossil whales, such as Pakicetus, walked on four legs and foraged in rivers and estuaries for fish around 50 million years ago in parts of South Asia that today belong to Pakistan and India. Over the next five to ten million years, the earliest whales diversified into a variety of extinct lineages that experimented with different kinds of specializations for living in the water: some looked more like today’s crocodiles, others looked more like sea lions or otters. Some of these species, such as Maiacetus, likely had webbed feet and could move through the water propelled by a strong tail, although their tails likely did not have a fluke. 

Smithsonian Institution

These first relatives of whales had many characteristics of land mammals—hind legs, nostrils for breathing near the front of their nose, and teeth of various sizes (as opposed to baleen or teeth of a single size, like modern whales have). Around 40 million years ago, early whales such as Maiacetus and Peregocetus, a recently described fossil whale found in Peru, possessed weight-bearing hind limbs. These fossils preserve the ankle bones, including a bone called the astragalus, which has a double-pulley structure like other even-toed hoofed mammals, such as cows, camels, pigs, deer, and hippos.

Around 40 million years ago, the first fully aquatic whales, such as Basilosaurus appeared. These whales had reduced hind limbs that could not support their weight on land, and they had elbow joints in their flippers. Small hind limbs show the Basilosaurus’ link to its land predecessors, but its inner ear shows more similarities to the modern whale. Whales today still bear the marks of their ancient land ancestors—they retain tiny remnants of hind leg bones in their hip region. Fossils of Basilosaurus were found in the United States in 1840s, and the Smithsonian has displayed a skeleton of this early whale since the late 19th century. A complete skeletal mount of Basilosaurus can be seen on display today in the Sant Ocean Hall.

Follow the Food

This family tree shows how the ancestors of whales moved gradually from land to sea.

(Mary Parrish/Smithsonian Institution)

But why did these land animals move to the water? Since the end of the Cretaceous period when large marine reptiles went extinct in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, the oceans were absent of major predators (except for sharks). This left a large gap, allowing for mammals—including the earliest ocean-going whales in the Eocene—to evolve and take advantage of new opportunities, such as in the ocean, where food was abundant. Equally, the earliest whales may have experienced pressures from other predators on land, or they returned to the ocean for reasons that we cannot fully test.

By the end of the Eocene, the earliest four-legged whales had gone extinct, and the descendants of the first fully aquatic whales, such as Basilosaurus, diverged into the two main groups of whales we see today: baleen whales (mysticetes) and toothed whales (odontocetes). The oldest mysticetes did not have baleen and probably were not filter-feeders. The oldest known fossil mysticete, Mystacodon selenensis, from Peru, lived about 36 million years ago, which means that the divergence between baleen and toothed whales happened before this time. (The oldest fossil toothed whale is Simocetus rayi from Oregon, which is housed in the NMNH’s Department of Paleobiology, and roughly 33 million years old). In 2018, researchers from NMNH and other institutions described Maiabalaena nesbittae, a fossil mysticete that fed with neither teeth nor baleen, and instead likely sucked its prey into its mouth, as other toothed whales, such as beaked whales, do today. Overall, the ancestors of today’s mysticetes and odontocetes were smaller than the extremely large sizes of some species today—they ranged roughly between the size of a bottlenose dolphin to the size of a killer whale.



North Atlantic right whales migrate seasonally along the eastern coast of the United States.

(Adapted from E. Paul Oberlander, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Graphics; Data from North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium)

Cetaceans are ubiquitous in the ocean—they are found in shallow and deep water, cold and warm currents, from pole to pole, and the tropical latitudes in between. There are even whales that live completely in freshwater ecosystems. Some whales undertake great migrations depending on their needs. Many whales move to warm waters to mate and give birth in the winter, and then to colder waters in the summer where there is an abundance of food. These whales swim thousands of miles over several months, moving at around ten miles per hour, and even slower speeds when they are feeding. Dolphins and other toothed whales migrate as well, although their distances tend to be shorter than the larger baleen whales. However, not all whales migrate. Bryde’s (pronounced broodus) whales (Balaenoptera brydei) stay exclusively in warm tropical waters, and the extremely endangered vaquita can only be found in the northern part of the Gulf of California. 

With the large size of baleen whales, one would think tracking their movements might be an easy endeavor, but this is harder than you might imagine. Although the migration patterns of some species are well known, others still prove elusive. For example, Southern right whales breed and nurse newborn calves in warm tropical waters off of South Africa, Australia, and South America, but scientists aren’t positive of their winter feeding ground locations. 

Some dolphins and porpoises live closer to shore, making them easier to track. Two of the three recognized species of bottlenose dolphins—the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) and the Burrunan dolphin (Tursiops australis)—tend to spend most of their time in coastal near-shore habitats. However, the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus, familiar to most from the TV show “Flipper”), can be found as two separate populations that spend their time either offshore or close to the coast. The more coastal dolphin population tends to be smaller in size and lighter in color. Porpoises tend to live close to shore; the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) lives in coastal waters and can be seen swimming in shallow harbors and bays. Dolphins and porpoises will travel to warmer waters when faced with cold temperatures, but not on the same long-distance scale that you see with larger whales. 

Population Size

Just how many cetaceans currently exist in our ocean, by species or population size, is a challenging but important question for scientists. Not only is it helpful to determine how many individual whales there are currently for conservation and management reasons, but population trends are also important in establishing an accurate baseline for any changes that happen over time, including population crashes or growths. To measure the current population size in cetaceans, scientists rely on a number of different methods. The International Whaling Commission, an internationally recognized organization that regulates whaling and organizes scientific discussions about whale conservation, has population estimation guidelines that use visual cues from ships and airplanes. Estimates can also be made using underwater acoustic recordings, mark and recapture methods, and visually identifying individuals based on their marks and scarring. Species found in the open ocean, rather than coastal ecosystems, are harder to study and therefore less is known about their life histories and population status. We know very little about beaked whales that spend much of their time in cold, deep waters, for example, and have few markings that identify individuals when they are seen.  

New England Aquarium researchers Dr. Moira Brown and Yan Guilbault conducting aerial surveys for North Atlantic right whales over the Roseway Basin, Canada.

(Courtesy of the New England Aquarium)

Not only are estimates of current whale populations important, but past, pre-whaling population estimates help scientists to better understand how (if at all) whales have recovered from large-scale population declines. One study estimates that three million whales were slaughtered during the advent of commercial whale hunting. Estimating whale populations before large-scale commercial whaling depleted their numbers in the 19th century is particularly difficult. Scientists use historical whaling records or genetic methods (comparing genetic diversity within current whale populations) to determine past population sizes. 


Cetaceans reproduce through internal fertilization. Typically, mating happens during specific seasons and in specific ocean regions—for most baleen whales that means mating and birthing in warm tropical waters in the winter (see Distribution section above). Orcas and other toothed whales are thought to mate throughout the year. Different species show various courtship behaviors, and both females and males will mate with several different individuals to increase their chances of reproductive success. 

With fewer than 450 individuals left, North Atlantic right whales are considered endangered and until 2013, researchers were unsure where they mated. In 2014, researchers determined that this species gathered to reproduce in waters off the Gulf of Maine during the Northern Hemisphere winter. The species can be seen in groups at the surface of the water nuzzling, rubbing, and generally jostling for a mate, in what researchers think is courtship behavior. Dolphins also show signs of courtship behavior, sometimes crossing over to aggressive mating behavior, and sexual behavior unrelated to reproduction.  

(© wildestanimal Flickr)

Similar to humans, female cetaceans have long gestation periods, typically ranging from 10 to 17 months. Females usually give birth to one calf at a time and have a small number of young over their lifetimes. The calf usually is born tail first, although earlier in whale evolutionary history, cetaceans gave birth like other land mammals—fossils of the extinct whale Maiacetus show that they gave birth headfirst (you can see a skeleton of Maiacetus in the National Museum of Natural History Sant Ocean Hall). It is unclear when whales first evolved tail-first birth, but it likely happened when they moved from land to the sea (see Evolution section above). For modern whales, the mother often helps the calf get to the surface of the water for the calf’s first breath and then continues to help it by deterring predators. Once a cetacean mother gives birth she feeds thick, nutrient-rich milk full of protein and fat to her young. Once a calf is born and nursing it will stay with its mother for six months to two years. This energy-demanding time means that whales often won’t have another calf for several years. Cetaceans grow quickly after birth—a blue whale calf can grow 100 pounds a day. Although the young grow quickly, it takes years for them to reach sexual and social maturity (ten years in the case of most baleen whales). 


Cetaceans lead long lives, but because they are difficult to track and research, the specifics of their life spans are a bit muddled. Most are thought to live at least 20 years, and some species much longer. Bowhead whales can live 200 years, fin whales live close to 100 years, and most toothed whales live for 20 to 60 years. Captivity may significantly reduce an animal’s lifespan. One study found that only 27 percent of captive orcas live to age 15—in the wild 80 percent reach the same age.

Gaining information about the age of a whale or dolphin is difficult for scientists. Information can be gathered from dead animals that wash up on shore, or from bones that have been sitting in museum collections since the time of whaling. To learn the age of living whales researchers have turned to some surprising parts of the animal—earwax and skin cells. Whales gain earwax fairly consistently, adding layers throughout their life like tree rings. This allows researchers to age a whale and simultaneously see what sort of pollutants they are exposed to throughout their lives. 



Whales live social lives, and to recognize one another, coordinate group activities, and maintain contact over long distances, they’ve developed a complex system of communication. This range of signals includes pulsed sounds, whistles, songs, low rumbles, and body language that conveys different emotions. Belugas are especially vocal, and because of their cheery chirps they have been nicknamed the “canaries of the sea.” 

The vocalizations of bottlenose dolphins are some of the best studied among cetaceans. They use a diverse array of whistles, and in some places around the world “pops” and “brays.” Each individual also has a personal whistle, similar to a name, that it uses to broadcast its identity and location. These “names” are learned and developed when they are young. Dolphins can also learn the signature whistles of others, and will call back and forth to one another when they meet. 

TED-Ed, Stephanie Sardelis

Both orcas and sperm whales use group-specific calls that help them communicate with individuals in their social group. For orcas, calls are often used to identify one another and coordinate unified hunting. Sperm whales also produce a series of sounds that are unique to their specific social group. These codas, as they are called, are a series of rhythmic clicks with a broad frequency that the whales use during socialization. It is thought that mothers pass certain coda dialects to their young, allowing a coda to be transmitted through time from generation to generation.

For many baleen whales, including the bowheads, blue, minkes, and fin whales, communication occurs in the form of a song. The most complex whale vocalizations come from humpback whales which will sometimes sing for hours at a time. Each humpback song has a specific structure—the song is divided into up to eight themes, which are then further divided into phrases. A phrase is composed of individual sounds like rattles, whistles, moans, and grunts. Whales in one area will usually sing the same song, although it often will change gradually over time. But sometimes migrating whales will cross paths, prompting one set of whales to switch to the more popular tune. Scientists liken this phenomenon to a cultural revolution. As to why humpback whales sing? Scientists are still unsure, however, many hypotheses propose it has some benefit for mating. 

Getting Social

Bottlenose dolphins are very social animals, and often travel and hunt in groups called pods.


Whales, for the most part, are social creatures. The majority live in small-to-medium-sized social groups for at least some part of the year. Whales will often congregate for specific activities, which include breeding, traveling, feeding, or rearing young. Oceanic dolphins form unusually large groups, congregating in schools of over a thousand individuals. At the other end of the spectrum are the river dolphins, who live solitary lives, only meeting up to mate. 

The social networks of cetaceans can help to transfer information. In 1980, humpback whales were observed using a new feeding technique that added a slap of the tail at the surface. It turns out that the whales were switching from herring to the more populous sand lance, a fish species that was less affected by the bubble nets. But a resounding slap of the tail seemed to send the fish into a panic and bunch together, making the bubble nets more effective. By 1989, about half the Eastern humpback populations were using the trick and the whales were learning it from their peers. 

Sperm whales are some of the more social whales. Pods consist of roughly 20 to 50 individuals, and at times several pods join to create massive groups of up to 100 individuals. Pods can consist of just males, just females, or a combination of both. This grouping behavior was exploited for whaling during the 1800s.

The group dynamics of Pacific Northwest orcas are particularly well studied. These whales live in family groups of between two and 50 individuals. Some of the pods are residential, meaning they have a home territory, while other pods are transient and move from place to place as the seasons change. These two types of orcas even differ in what they like to eat. Resident whales predominantly eat salmon, while the transient groups eat seals, sea lions, porpoises, and other whales.

At the Surface

A humpback whale breaching in Antarctic waters.

(Ari Friedlaender)

Whales are known for their surface antics—searching for a view of them at the surface is the basis for a booming tourism industry. Cetaceans need to spend a certain amount of time at the surface of the water to breathe air but, as those on whale watching tours know, they do more than just breathe there. While these marine mammals are at the surface catching a breath, they engage in many other behaviors for feeding and communication. 

Larger whales typically come to the surface to breathe every 10 to 15 minutes, while the smaller toothed whales, such as dolphins breathe more often—several times a minute. When releasing a breath at the surface there is often spray that results from the warm air (along with some mucus) released into colder water, which condenses and forms a water spout (more details in Eating and Breathing section). These spouts vary in size and shape based on the species and can be used to identify a species from afar. 

The large jumps that bring almost the entire body out of the water are called breaching. Why whales perform these leaps is still not entirely clear, but there are several possibilities ranging from a warning or courting other whales in a group, physically removing unwanted parasites, getting better access to air in rough seas or simply playing. Whales may jump once or do a series of jumps, but the more that occur the more energy is used. However, porpoising—leaping out of the water over and over—is an efficient means of travel that dolphins and porpoises use to reduce the amount of energy used swimming over long distances. Dolphins will also ride the waves near the bow of a ship, a behavior that many think is just for fun.

Many other behaviors like lobtailing (when the fluke, or tail, is raised and flopped down on the water), pectoral slapping (when the side pectoral fins are raised and flopped down) and spyhopping (when the whale pops out of the water vertically to look around at the surface) can be observed in cetaceans. These behaviors are seen in all cetaceans but more often in groups of larger baleen whales like the humpback, sperm, and gray whales. Their purposes vary depending on the species and the circumstances. For orcas, spyhopping is likely used to better see prey at the surface (PDF) or on floating ice. 

In the Food Web

Feeding Mechanisms

A right whale opens wide, revealing huge plates of baleen hanging from its upper jaw.

(©Mason Weinrich, Whale Center of New England)

Cetaceans are large animals that need to maintain enough energy to swim, reproduce, care for young and evade predators. To do this they have to ensure they get enough food. Baleen whales get their name from their feeding strategy. They use large plates of baleen to filter through thousands of gallons of seawater laden with prey for their meals. Hundreds of these plates are lined up in a row and attached to the whale’s upper jaw. The baleen is made of keratin, which is also what makes up human nails and hair. The keratin frays at the edges producing comb-like strands that help to filter out small animals. These large baleen whales (including the largest vertebrate on Earth—blue whales) eat some of the smallest creatures found in the ocean. Their baleen filters out water and captures krill (small planktonic crustaceans), other plankton and small fish. The whales tend to seek out high-density patches of prey to increase feeding efficiency. 

National Geographic

Most baleen whales take their large gulps of seawater close to the surface—species such as rorquals lunge-feed in a single gulp, while right whales skim continuously with their mouths agape. Researchers have found that blue whales complete 360 degree turns while lunging with wide open mouths to align their mouths with the swarm of prey and get the most possible krill. A blue whale can eat as much as one ton  of krill per day at the peak of feeding time in Antarctica and fit as much as 150 percent of its body weight worth of water in one gulp. Groups of humpback whales will band together when feeding. One whale will dive down and begin to produce bubbles in a circle below the surface of the water. The bubbles will merge together and rise to the surface, causing confusion and producing a de facto net that surrounds schooling fish they have encountered. Then, other whales will rise up through the center forcing the fish towards the surface where they are gulped like fish in a barrel. Bubble net feeding, as it’s called, is only seen in humpback whales during the feeding season. Gray whales, in contrast, feed close to the seafloor where they suck up prey in the muddy sediment that they filter through their baleen. 

For toothed whales, it’s not one-size-fits-all either. There is a huge range of feeding behaviors largely based on a variety of tooth arrangements—teeth in toothed whales are mostly for seizing prey, not for chewing. Toothed whales mainly feed on single prey items, as opposed to baleen whales that filter tiny prey by the hundreds to thousands of individuals. Most dolphins have cone-shaped teeth, while porpoise teeth are flattened. Tooth numbers range from a pair, to dozens to hundreds. 

Narwhals have two teeth, but  in females they rarely erupt through the gums and in males only one typically does—growing into the long, unicorn-like protrusion for which they are famous. There are exceptions—occasionally females have erupted tusks; some males have two erupted tusks, and some none. Most beaked whales also have one pair of teeth, which tend to be tusk-like, and visible only in males, while the teeth in females stay hidden in their gums.  

A bottlenose dolphin carries a sponge, which it uses as a tool to dig up prey from the seafloor.

(Ewa Krzyszczyk, Public Library of Science)

Most toothed whales feed on one prey item at a time, grabbing it and swallowing it whole. Dolphins and porpoises eat a variety of fish, squid and crustaceans, like crabs and lobsters. Dolphins use their beak and conical teeth, while porpoises have shorter mouths and squarer teeth, both allowing them to grip their prey—no need to chew. One population of dolphins has learned to cover their beaks with conical sponges to dig up fish hiding on the seafloor, a skill that is passed from mothers down to their offspring. Dolphins will also thrash octopuses at the surface as a way to stun them before they attempt to eat them. Beaked whales suck their prey into their mouths in order to swallow them. Larger toothed whales, like orcas, eat fish and cephalopods, but also sharks and larger marine mammals including sea otters, seals, sea lions and smaller whales. Different populations of orcas tend to make their meal choices based on their locations—salmon in waters off the Pacific Northwest, herring in waters off of Europe and minke whales in waters off Antarctica. 

Narwhals have never been observed feeding, so what we know about their prey is only from research on their stomach contents. Their diet consists mostly of halibut, cod, squid and shrimp, and they tend to stock up on their food in the winter, making deep dives to find their prey. Sperm whales require a large amount of food—over a ton a day. To meet this need they eat all sorts of animals: octopus, fish, shrimp, and squid. Sometimes meals are made up of larger creatures—colossal and giant squid.

Finding Food

Baleen whales find prey by using a mixture of sound, sight and special reception organs. In 2012 researchers discovered a sensory organ in the bottom jaw of some whale species. Smithsonian scientist Nick Pyenson and his colleagues hypothesize that the organ helps blue, fin and humpback whales to take their giant scoops of water via lunge-feeding. 

Toothed whales have another tool to find prey that baleen whales lack—echolocation. Odontocetes produce sonar pings that are sent out and echoes are returned when they hit an object, allowing the animal to better know its surrounding environment and what prey is nearby. Echolocation is quite exact and can help detect tiny size differences and even fish burrowed in the seafloor. 


Cookie-cutter sharks eat smaller animals (like squid) whole, but also take large, round cookie-cutter shaped bites out of larger animals, such as tuna, whales, dolphins, and seals (which you can see in this picture of an elephant seal). They suction on to the larger animals and twist around to take a bite of flesh using their lower row of sharp teeth.

(Jerry Kirkhart)

Most cetaceans have no natural predators. Baleen whales and larger toothed whales, like the orcas and sperm whales, almost never face predation from the sea—humans are their greatest threat (see Whaling section). Orcas occasionally will work together in a group to attack large baleen whales, primarily focusing on juveniles or weak, injured adults. There are instances of flesh being bitten off of whales by cookie-cutter sharks, but no recorded deaths from their bites. Sharks, walruses and polar bears sometimes consume smaller toothed whales. Although never observed, there is some evidence that sperm whales and giant squid engage in epic battles. It appears that the whales will eat the squid (their hard beaks are found in the whales’ stomachs) but from the giant sucker scars often found on the face and backs of sperm whales, it’s clear the squids fight back.


Hundreds to thousands of tiny crustaceans live on each right whale, eating algae that settles on their skin.

(© Michael Moore/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Cetaceans include the largest living animals on the planet, but some of the smallest can be found living on and in whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Small crustaceans called whale lice live in folds and rough patches of their skin, as well as in their lesions and nostrils. Most whale louse species have an exclusive corresponding cetacean species that acts as the host for their entire life cycle. Male and female sperm whales even have different unique lice species that they host. 

Barnacles mooch off of whales in a commensal relationship—hitching a ride on their backs. The barnacles don’t harm the whale but take advantage of the moving home that brings meals directly to them. Remora fish also take advantage of the ride, attaching to the large mammals with a modified fin. They don’t seem to harm cetaceans—research indicates that they likely help whales remove other external parasites, although any substantial benefit remains unclear. Some seabird and fish species that follow whales take advantage of these leftovers. 

A large diversity of internal parasites also infest cetaceans. A variety of parasitic worm species can be found in the blubber, intestines, stomach, liver, and lungs of whales. One roundworm species lives in the placenta of sperm whales and reaches lengths of over eight meters, and pygmy sperm whales host a similarly long roundworm in the tissue under the whale’s skin. 

Human Connections


The first record of whaling dates back to 6000 BCE in Neolithic petroglyphs found in South Korea. Similarly, engravings that depict men pursuing a spouting whale show that by 2000 BCE the Norwegians had begun the practice of whaling. Evidence of early whaling also exists for people in Greenland, from the islands off of Japan, and residents of the Aleutian and Phoenician Islands. These early whalers predominantly used whales for food, fuel, and tools. To ensure bountiful harvests, they honored and gave thanks to whales in a variety of ways.

By the 11th century, harpooning whales was a way to get rich. At this time, Basque whalers of Iberia (Spain) hunted right whales, which later earned their common name because they have the right suite of traits for whaling, such as congregating near shore, being relatively slow-moving, having ample blubber, and floating after being killed. A single right whale could yield 5,247 liters (1,386 gallons) of oil plus 293 kilograms (647 pounds) of baleen. In Norway and Iceland, whalers would corral whales into fjords and then block their exit with nets. Spears were dipped in blood from previous hunts so that the wounds would become infected and eventually kill the whale. Among the most successful hunters were the Basques. They started hunting whales in western Europe in the 11th century using boats and harpoons and continued until whales in the region were depleted. Basque whalers then moved across the Atlantic to Labrador, where from 1520 to 1630 they hunted right and bowhead whales along their migration routes. By the 1600s those whale populations, too, had plummeted. So, the Basque fishermen turned to cod and seals.

Whalers harpoon a right whale in this 1856 Currier & Ives print.

(Library of Congress)

In the United States, whaling did not reach its height until the mid-19th century. Known as Yankee whaling, the American industry dominated with 735 of the world’s total 900 whaling vessels in 1846. The U.S. alone killed more than 100,000 whales total during peak years, with sperm whales—especially those in the South Pacific Ocean—the primary target. Sperm whale oil was highly desired for its exceptional lubricating quality and ability to burn brightly and without odor. Sperm whales also contained a special liquid in their head called spermaceti or “head oil” and a wax-like substance in their intestines called ambergris that was used in medicine and perfume. Baleen whales, including gray, bowhead, humpback, and right, were also targeted despite having inferior quality oil. Their baleen was used in buggy whips, carriage springs, corset stays, fishing poles, umbrellas, and hoop skirts. Life at sea was long and arduous for whalers, and many filled the hours of idleness by taking up carving and engraving. Scrimshaw is a traditional, nineteenth-century pastime that included the engraving of whale teeth, bones, and baleen (also called whalebone), with decorative artwork.

In the 1860s a Norwegian entrepreneur revolutionized the whaling process and ushered in a new, modern era of whaling. Sven Foyn’s boats were steam-powered and equipped with deck cannons that shot harpoons that exploded on impact. The Norwegian whalers initially hunted close to home, but by 1904 they began to expand throughout the world, establishing whaling stations as they went. In the 1920s, they also introduced pelagic-factory ship whaling where the entire whale was hauled on deck to be processed at sea. Other advances included processing machinery, radio, the use of fleets with many specialized vessels, and aircraft spotting. Whaling became so efficient that by World War II many species were on the brink of extinction. Between 1900 and 1999 an estimated three million whales were killed by the whaling industry.

Today, most nations observe the whaling ban put in place by the International Whaling Commission (see Conservation section). Only a few nations, including Iceland, Japan, and Norway, object to the ban and continue to whale. The IWC also allows certain aboriginal groups from Canada, the U.S., Greenland, Russia, South-Eastern Asia, and the Caribbean to whale since it has been deemed an integral part of their nutritional and cultural life.

The documentary The Cove was instrumental in spreading awareness about a particular slaughter event that occurs in Taiji, Japan. Every March thousands of dolphins are secretly corralled in a particular cove. A few are selected and sold to dolphinariums and the rest are slaughtered and their meat sold in local supermarkets. Although it did spark an international outcry for a few years, the fishers of Taiji still capture and slaughter dolphins every year and the city is planning to turn one of the larger bays into a dolphin park and research facility.


The first recorded cetacean in captivity was a beluga whale that lived in the Boston Aquarial and Zoological Gardens (PDF) in 1861. Later that year, P.T. Barnum (the eventual founder of the Barnum and Bailey Circus) displayed two beluga whales in the basement of his New York City American Museum (not the American Museum of Natural History), followed by at least nine whales that lived and died while on display by Barnum between 1861 and 1865. 

Throughout the 1870s several aquariums in the United States and in Europe began to showcase particular whale species, such as beluga whales and oceanic dolphins, though few were able to keep them alive for very long. In 1938, Florida’s Marine Studios, initially built as a film location for underwater productions, was quickly reinvented into a tourist attraction once the owners discovered the dolphins’ theatrical talents. It wasn’t until the 1950s and 60s that people realized dolphins could be trained to perform elaborate tricks and routines. The U.S. Navy Marine Mammal program began in 1960 and studied the animals as well as trained them to help with military procedures. But the true popularity of viewing dolphins in captivity began after the release of the movie Flipper in 1963, and a subsequent TV show. Prior to the popularity of Flipper there were only three designated dolphin parks or dolphinariums—now there are over a hundred worldwide. 

Although the first successful captures of an orca occurred in 1961 and 1964, methods had yet to be perfected and many whales died from entanglement or other injury. By the late 1960s two successful methods emerged, but even those could cause various trauma to the whales. By the 1970s, public awareness halted the capture of orcas off the coast of British Columbia and Washington, and in 1976 the last orca was taken from the region. Iceland then became the main source of whales for marine parks—between 1955 and 1972, 300 orcas were captured from Icelandic waters for the marine park industry. In later years marine parks resorted to breeding their captive whales, and in 2004 the first live births from artificial insemination occurred.

Life for a captive whale is very different than in the wild. Confined to small spaces, whales attack one another to assert dominance and the victim, unable to escape as they would in the wild, can become severely injured. Captivity can also lead to poor health. Male whales experience a condition called dorsal fin collapse. Although scientists are still unclear as to why this occurs, it likely is associated with structural changes in their collagen over time. The chemicals in pool water can cause health problems like blindness, and about half of captive dolphins die (PDF) in the first 90 days after they’ve been captured.

Today, the live dolphin trade is illegal in the United States, Mexico, and Europe, however, live dolphins are still captured in other countries to minimize inbreeding among the dolphins already in captivity. 

In 2013, the release of the documentary Blackfish, a depiction of orca treatment at Sea World, changed the public’s perception of whales in captivity. Many people became upset by the revelations of the documentary, and attendance at marine parks has since dropped. Sea World has since ended the breeding of orcas in captivity.

Whale Watching

Whale watching is a popular pastime around the world. The enterprise first started in California in the 1950s and has continued to grow in popularity. In 2009, the industry generated around 2.1 billion dollars from 13 million whale watchers and supported 13,000 jobs. 

The trend not only helps raise awareness about whale conservation by exposing people to the rarely seen creatures, but it also provides an alternative source of income for communities where fishing may not be as profitable as in years past. In Laguna San Ignacio on the Baja Peninsula, fishermen began supplementing their income in the 1980s by taking tourists to see the curious and friendly gray whales that come to the protective lagoons to rear their calves. Now, the whale tourism industry there is one of the most important contributors to the local economy. Marine tourism in Baja California Sur generates 300 million dollars a year and supports roughly 2,000 people. Only 16 boats are allowed in the lagoon at once, and fishing is suspended when the whales come for the season, a management strategy that hopes to ensure the whales will continue to return. 

However, whale watching also has its downsides. The presence of whale-watching boats can alter whale behavior, including scaring them off from important feeding areas, and boat noise and pollution are other sources of stress. On occasion, a tour boat will collide with a whale, injuring or even killing it. According to data collected by the International Whaling Commission, whale-watching vessels collide with whales in the highest numbers compared to all other vessels. However, it is important to note this may be skewed by the likelihood of a vessel type to report a collision. 

Books, Film & Music

For hundreds of years, whales have been described by seafarers as fearful beasts. Confined to observe whales from the shore, many influential writers and naturalists like Aristotle and Pliny had inaccurate information about whale behavior and anatomy. Dicuil, a monk and geographer among Charlemagne’s court in the 800s, wrote, “About, leap numerous whales as large as mountains, fed by the vast Red Sea. Over their back and shoulders runs a terrible spine, bringing death and fate beneath their savage mouths. They are wont to suck down both ship and crew alike.”

It is likely that these accounts influenced the stories we are familiar with today. In the Bible, Jonah becomes imprisoned in a whale’s stomach for three days, a theme that is mirrored in Disney’s Pinocchio from 1940. Herman Melville’s famous story of Moby Dick, published in 1851, also features a villainous sperm whale that Captain Ahab chases to enact revenge.  

It wasn’t until recently that humans began to see whales as charismatic and intelligent creatures. It was a surreal experience for scientist Roger Payne when he first heard the haunting songs of humpback whales in the 1960s. According to Payne, “That’s what whales do; they give the ocean its voice, and the voice they give it is ethereal and unearthly.” The music industry agreed. In 1970 Roger Payne’s Songs of the Humpback Whale climbed music charts. Soon musicians began incorporating their haunting melodies into mainstream music, a trend that helped change the perception of whales from expendable commodities to charismatic creatures, worthy of protection. Whale song was even included on the Golden Record aboard the Voyager space probes that were launched in 1977.

Whales have since graced the big screen as friendly companions. The film Flipper, about an injured bottlenose dolphin, aired in 1963 and instantly became a classic, in addition to beginning a TV show. In 1993, the movie Free Willy, a story about the special bond between a young teenager and a charismatic, captive orca, captured young audiences and went on to become a successful series of movies. In the 2002 movie Whale Rider, a young Maori girl follows the path originally set forth for her brother to become tribe leader, using her special connection with Southern right whales to prove that she is worthy. 

© Drew Christie

Myths & Legends

Two whales attack a ship as sailors try to scare them away by tossing barrels and playing a trumpet on Olaus Magnus’s 1539 Carta Marina.

(Flemish cartographer Abraham Ortelius, first published in 1570. Reprinted with permission by British Library and the University of Chicago Press.)

Mysterious creatures from an underwater world, whales have inspired many myths and legends across the globe. Peruvians from the Amazon believe drownings are caused by boto, the Amazon river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), as a shape-shifter who transforms into the image of a beautiful man or woman to lure victims to their death. In China, the now-extinct Yangtze River dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer) is viewed as the reincarnation of a fabled princess. Refusing to marry the man chosen for her, the Princess of the Baiji is thrown into the Yangtze River and later emerges as the dolphin. In a similar Inuit legend, the Princess Sedna falls for the bird spirit, much to the dismay of her father. In an effort to hide her, the father takes her out to sea, but in outrage, the bird spirit creates a terrible storm. Forced to sacrifice his daughter, the father tosses her overboard. As the princess clings to the side of the boat he cuts off her fingers, and each finger becomes one of the sea mammals, one of which is the whale.

It may come as a surprise that the tale of the unicorn was most likely inspired by a whale. Historians think the first description of a horned horse comes from Greek physician Ctensias of Cnidus in 398 B.C., though it also finds its way into the Bible through a series of mistranslations. Then during the Middle Ages, Viking traders likely introduced narwhal tusks to European markets. Unfamiliar with this Arctic whale species, the existence of the narwhal tusk became proof of the unicorn. Evidence for this theory includes depictions of unicorns in artwork with a spiraled horn. The narwhal tusk is the only animal horn or tusk with such unique anatomy. 


All marine mammals in U.S. waters are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, federal legislation that was enacted in 1972. Protecting cetaceans in international waters is more difficult. With an international ban on whaling in effect since 1986 (allowing for some exceptions) many whale populations have bounced back from low numbers. However, several species populations remain extremely low. In early 2020, fewer than 450 individual North Atlantic right whales remain and they are considered critically endangered, as are their sister species, North Pacific right whales, with fewer than 100 individuals remaining. The vaquita, a small porpoise found only in coastal waters of the Gulf of California off of the Baja Peninsula in Mexico is also extremely endangered, mostly because of getting caught accidentally in fishing gear. There are now less than 20 of these porpoises left.


Entanglement & Marine Debris

This illustration shows how fishing lines attached to traps and buoys on the ocean floor present a potentially deadly hazard to North Atlantic right whales.

(Smithsonian Institution)

One of the biggest threats to whale survival is entanglement from fishing gear. Once made with biodegradable wood and ropes, fishing gear is now predominantly made of synthetic materials, like plastic. Gear often gets lost at sea and will continue to injure or kill animals whether they were the intended target for the gear or not, a phenomenon called “ghost fishing.” Over 300,000 whales die each year due to entanglement, a problem that can cause starvation, drowning, infections from cuts and deeper lacerations, increased risk of ship strikes, or increase the risk of becoming another whale or shark’s prey. It can also limit a female whale’s ability to birth young. Today, female right whales are giving birth every 9 years as opposed to every three years as they were in the 1980s, a trend that is likely not only influenced by entanglement but other stressors as well. 

Consumption of plastic debris can also kill whales. Not only can the whales die from blockage of their stomach or intestines, sharp plastic shards can also pierce intestinal lining, and they can starve due to feeling falsely full from a stomach full of plastic with no nutrients. As filter feeders, baleen whales suck in large volumes of water to catch the fish and krill required to sustain their massive sizes, and discriminating between food and plastic is impossible. Toothed whales can also unknowingly consume plastic hidden within their prey. In 2019, a large sperm whale was found beached with over 200 pounds of trash in its stomach. 

Shipping Vessels

Phoenix’s mother, Stumpy (number 1004), was killed in a collision with a ship near Virginia in February 2004. She was pregnant with her sixth known calf.

(Regina Campbell-Malone/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Right whales live and migrate along coastal shores and so they frequently pass and congregate near bustling ports. They are also slow swimmers, a trait that has proven deadly in the 21st century. Between 1970 and 1999, 45 North Atlantic right whales were found dead in coastal waters of the U.S. east coast—and ships killed one-third of them. Other whales, like the fin whale, blue whale, and humpback whale, are also struck by passing ships. A study of humpback whales that live off the Gulf of Maine found that 15 percent of humpback whales in the region have injuries related to ship strikes. These findings prompted negotiations between the New England Aquarium, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the International Maritime Organization, and the shipping industry to move shipping lanes away from known whale congregation areas and to decrease ship speed limits. 

In 2008, United States regulations were modified to limit the speed of larger ships to 10 knots (11 miles per hour) when at a distance of 20 nautical miles (23 miles) offshore during whale calving season, a time that changes according to the location along the coast. It seems as though the rule is limiting whale death caused by ship strikes. Between 2008 and 2013 only two right whales were killed by ship strikes within U.S. waters, and neither one was within 50 miles of the protected areas. Comparatively, ships killed 15 right whales between 1990 and 2008, and 13 of those were found in areas now protected by speed limits. Unfortunately, although this effort has reduced deaths caused by ship strikes, the right whale population continues to decline due to gear entanglements.

Noise Pollution

As humans continue to increase their presence at sea, it becomes a noisier place to live. Ship and submarine sonar pings, military tests and drills, seismic testing, the churning of boat motors, and drilling on oil rigs are just a sample of manmade noises that contribute to noise pollution in the ocean. Whales rely heavily on sound for communication, but in this new noisy reality they struggle to have their voices heard. Whale behavior is also harmed by the presence of human noise. Beluga whales were observed vacating a feeding area and swimming 50 miles (80 km) away for several days to avoid an approaching ice-breaker ship. Some Blainville’s beaked whales (Mesoplodon blainvillei) will stop hunting in the presence of navy sonar, and sperm and pilot whales stopped vocalizing during the Heard Island Feasibility Test of 1991, a study that aimed to determine how far manmade acoustic signals could travel in the ocean. Beaked whales and blue whales are particularly sensitive to sonar, and several mass strandings have been tied to related military exercises. 

But there is cause to be hopeful. In an effort to reduce the impact of sonar on whales, the U.S. Navy agreed in 2015 to end mid-frequency sonar training in specified areas where whales congregate, and in 2016 they extended the exclusion to low-frequency hunting sonar. In waters near British Columbia, Canada, a voluntary speed reduction policy during the season when endangered orcas migrate through Haro Strait was put in place for the first time in 2017. The initial policy successfully decreased noise pollution from commercial ships and was continued in 2018.


In 1946, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) was formed to “provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry.” The commission’s main duty is to govern whaling practices around the world. This work includes completely protecting certain species, designating sanctuary areas, setting catch limits for specific species, deciding on appropriate whaling seasons, and prohibiting the capture of mothers with their calves. But as whaling populations continued to decline, the Commission evolved to fill a conservation role. In 1982, the IWC officially banned commercial whaling, however, aboriginal whaling and the issuance of scientific whaling permits are still allowed.

Because of these efforts, in 2016 most humpback whale populations were removed from the endangered species list. Only the population that breeds in Central America remains on the list, and the California blue whale population is also making a comeback. In 2014, a study determined that this subset of blue whales is at about 97 percent of what it was prior to whaling, offering hope that other whale species and populations, with continued protection, can rebound. 

At the Smithsonian

Since 1850, whales have found a home at the Smithsonian Institution. At that time Spencer Fullerton Baird was a curator and avid naturalist who made whale research a top priority for the Institution. In 1871, he convinced Congress to create the Commission of Fish and Fisheries, the precursor to today’s National Marine Fisheries Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The agency was run by Baird himself, in addition to his other duties at the National Museum (what is now the National Museum of Natural History), and later when he was elected as Secretary of the Smithsonian in 1878. While Baird was at the Museum he acquired many marine mammal specimens, including those from the U.S. Exploring Expedition of 1838 to 1842.

This photo provides a small glimpse of the amazing variety of whale skulls and skeletons available for study at the Smithsonian.

(Chip Clark/Smithsonian Institution)

Today, the museum’s whale collection includes over 30,000 specimens, the largest in the world. The museum is also home to Phoenix, a 45 foot, 2,300 pound full-scale model of a female North Atlantic right whale that hangs in the Sant Ocean Hall. She is one of many whale models that have graced the halls of the Museum, including the 1903 blue whale that was the first-ever cast of a whale, and the 1963 blue whale that replaced it. 

Today, the National Museum of Natural History has two curators who specialize in the topic of whales. Nick Pyenson, author of the critically acclaimed Spying on Whales, is a specialist on fossil whales, and Michael McGowen is a whale geneticist.


Exhibits: Past & Present

The 1903 Blue Whale

Remington Kellogg and Leonhard Stejneger with the 1903 blue, or sulphur-bottom, whale, on exhibit in the Natural History Museum, c. 1930s.

(Smithsonian Institution Archives)

In May 1903, little was known about whale biology, but the National Museum’s curator of mammals, Frederick W. True, dispatched exhibit staff to obtain the world’s first full cast of a whale, which the Smithsonian would display at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904. The race to display a full cast of a whale had more than just to do with population declines, as the head of exhibits at the National Museum was also hoping to set the record straight that the National Museum had successfully cast the “outward form” of a whale. The process wasn’t easy—it involved casting the dead animal while it was floating in water—but a full cast of a blue whale went on display at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and was then displayed from the roof trusses of the South Hall in the Art and Industries Building. After the new U.S. National Museum (today the National Museum of Natural History) opened in 1910, it was moved across the Mall, mounted on a pedestal, and placed at the center on the Hall of Marine Life. For fifty years the seventy-eight-foot cast of the blue whale enchanted visitors to the Museum.

The 1963 Blue Whale

A close-up of the life-size blue whale model in the new “Life in the Sea” hall, 1963.

(Smithsonian Institution Archives)

The 1903 blue whale model met its end around 1960, when it was replaced by a new, even bigger blue whale model. In the 1950s the Smithsonian began an institution-wide exhibits modernization program, and many halls of the Natural History building were completely renovated at this time. The new hall dedicated to Life in the Seas was to have as its centerpiece a state-of-the art model of a blue whale in mid-motion.

Modeling techniques had advanced considerably in the decades since 1903, and lightweight plastics and fiberglass allowed for a more dynamic posture. Museum director Remington Kellogg wanted a “scientifically accurate” model, but this proved challenging, as whale science—particularly the biology and behavior of blue whales—was hindered by the difficulty of tracking and observing whales in their natural habitat. Most whales could only be studied after they had washed up on a beach or at whaling stations after they had been killed and hauled to shore. Scientists could not agree as to whether or not the ventral plates of the mouth expanded when diving or rising, and this issue presented a significant problem in designing the blue whale model.

Luckily, scientists were just beginning to capture some of the first underwater footage of whales and the Smithsonian used footage from Jacques-Yves Cousteau’s 1956 French documentary film “Le monde du silence,” or “The Silent World,”to inform their design of the new model.

The 94-foot-long model was suspended thirty feet above the floor and attached to two steel brackets jutting out from the wall. The exhibit opened in February 1963 in time for the First International Symposium on Cetacean Research. Suspended in air, visitors could imagine that “she has just risen from dark waters, expelled her breath, drawn in another, and is now about to lift her powerful tail in an upward swipe that will send her plunging to the icy depths.”

In 1976, a new exhibit label was added, explaining that there was an error with the model. New scientific data about whale behavior led Smithsonian biologists to reevaluate the accuracy of the blue whale model’s diving posture. Photographs of living blue whales still did not exist at this time, but there were a few photographs of other rorquals or baleen whales, including sei and minke whales, that revealed much slimmer, streamlined bodies than expected. “Only after a whale takes a mouthful of food and is about to swallow it, would its throat be expanded in this way,” the label explained. The 1963 blue whale model was eventually removed in 2000 as renovations began for the new Kenneth E. Behring Family Hall of Mammals.

The 2003 Right Whale – Phoenix

A view of the model of Phoenix in the new Sant Ocean Hall, 2003.

(Chip Clark, Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History)

Currently suspended at the center of the Sant Ocean Hall is a life-size model of a North Atlantic right whale named Phoenix. The result of four years of work, and collaboration between exhibit fabricators, whale biologists, sculptors, painters, engineers, and many others, this exhibit is unique and exciting in that it represents a live animal. Phoenix has been tracked in her Atlantic Ocean environment by marine biologists at the New England Aquarium in Boston, ever since her birth off the coast of Georgia in 1987. Phoenix was chosen because so much is known about her and her family (her mother’s name is Stumpy). She is the mother of three calves and became a grandmother in 2007.

She got her name Phoenix from her ability to rise again, like the mythical bird, after a life-threatening entanglement with fishing gear in 1997. She still bears a scar below her right lip from that encounter, which you can see on the model and which scientists use to help identify her in the waters of the Atlantic.

Narwhal: Revealing an Arctic Legend

The narwhal tusk is actually one of two teeth. In males, the tusk protrudes from the upper, left lip. While most male narwhals have one tusk, in a few rare cases they can have two!

(From The Naturalist's Library by Robert Hamilton, Courtesy of the Biodiversity Heritage Library)

The Narwhal: Revealing an Arctic Legend exhibit opened at the National Museum of Natural History in 2016 and closed in 2019. The exhibit highlighted how traditional Inuit knowledge and scientific research can be combined to reveal new insights about these difficult-to-study whales—and the rapidly changing environment they live in. The exhibit displayed a life size model of a male narwhal, skulls and tusks (including a rare double-tusked skull), and intricate Inuit artwork. 


How did whales get so big?

Two skulls belonging to extinct marine mammal herbivores used in the new study, both from the Smithsonian’s collections.

(A. Boersma)

This is one of the many questions paleobiologist Nick Pyenson is researching at the National Museum of Natural History. By measuring the skulls of baleen whales throughout evolutionary history he and his colleagues were able to create a timeline of when whales began to grow in size. Baleen whales didn’t start getting so huge until roughly 4.5 million years ago, at the transition of the Miocene into the Pliocene, according to their study. The hypothesis is that during the Ice Ages krill and other zooplankton that whales consumed started to become more concentrated in their seasonal occurrence than prior to that geologic time. If concentrated food sources were far apart, it would help to be very big: a large body size not only helps you push through water more efficiently but also increases the capacity to store food for energy. A patchy ocean also means that food is grouped together in a dense area, allowing the whales to efficiently eat up large quantities in one sitting.

Tracking Whales from Space

The Gulf of Panama is a bustling place where tens of thousands of ships cross to pass through the Panama Canal. It is also a popular breeding ground for whales. Tragically, whales often get hit by passing ships and sometimes the collisions are deadly. But in December 2014, new shipping lanes were implemented with the aim to limit the number of ship-whale collisions. The change was guided by research conducted by Hector Guzmán from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Guzmán compared the course of hundreds of commercial ships with satellite tracking data that showed the movement of humpback whales. This is the first instance where satellite tags were used in the planning of new shipping lanes, and the hope is that it will limit the number of deadly strikes.

Cerro Ballena

Chilean and Smithsonian paleontologists study several fossil whale skeletons at Cerro Ballena, next to the Pan-American Highway in Atacama Region, Chile, in 2011.

(Adam Metallo / Smithsonian Institution)

Cerro Ballena is a unique paleontological site located in the Atacama Region of Chile, north of the town of Caldera, along the Pan-American Highway. During road construction that started in 2010, paleontologists discovered a rich fossil site containing dozens of whale skeletons, along with the remains of other extinct marine mammals and marine vertebrates. In 2011, paleontologists from Chile and the United States, including Smithsonian’s Nick Pyenson, conducted rapid documentation and digitization of the site, before road construction was completed in early 2012. At the site the team documented the remains of ten different kinds of marine vertebrates, including billfishes, seals, aquatic sloths, and several different species of whales. The skeletons of over 40 individual large baleen whales dominated the site and included an extinct sperm whale and an extinct walrus-like whale (Odobenocetops), both of which were previously only known from Peru. A 3D print of one of the most complete fossils from this site now hangs on the wall of the Q?rius Theatre at the National Museum of Natural History. 

Learning From Mysterious Baleen

This baleen plate was sent to the Smithsonian from one of the Japanese whaling ships authorized for whaling by General MacArthur. A crew member not only painted an identifying number, but they also drew a painting of the whaling ship and an iceberg.

(Smithsonian NMNH)

There are many hidden mysteries in the collections of the National Museum of Natural History. One had been a group of over 3,000 baleen plates—the large bristly plates grow from the roof of a whale’s mouth and are used to sieve out the tiny krill that they feed on. Several feet long, the baleen in this collection was crammed in 30 cases at the museum’s offsite storage facility and nobody knew where they came from. With some tenacity and lots of research, the origins of the mystery collection were discovered and the baleen can be used to answer scientific questions. Studying the molecular composition of the baleen will enable scientists to determine what kinds of food the whales ate and which oceans they swam in. Taken together, this information can paint an accurate picture of what life in the ocean was like for these whales some 75 years ago and enables us to understand how the ocean and its whales have changed over time.


Rice's Whale

Scientists with NOAA and the Natural History Museum examine the whale skeleton in the museum's massive whale vault. This specimen is now considered the Rice's whale holotype, meaning it is the specimen all other potential Rice's whales will be compared to.

(Smithsonian Institution)

In January 2019, a rare whale washed ashore in the Florida everglades. The whale, then known to be from a population of Bryde's whales in the Gulf of Mexico, was thought to be its own species, however, scientists rarely studied the whale due to its shy nature. Smithsonian scientists carefully transported the whale carcass across the country to the Smithsonian whale warehouse so that it could be properly studied. After examining the skeleton, researchers determined the whale was not a Bryde's whale. Several features on the whale's head, including the bone around the blowhole, were significantly different from other Bryde's whales from around the globe.  In 2021, they named this whale the Rice's whale (Balaenoptera ricei) after whale scientist Dale W. Rice, who first discovered the presence of the large whales in the gulf. 

Rice’s whales can weigh up to 60,000 pounds (that is 30 tons), which is  about five times as heavy as an elephant, and they can grow up to 42 feet long. There are only about 100 individuals in the Rice's whale population, making the species a critically endangered species. The biggest threats to the species include vessel strikes, ocean noise, energy exploration, development and production, oil spills and responses, entanglement in fishing gear, and ocean debris. As the only baleen whale to live exclusively in American waters it has been nicknamed America's whale.


Ocean Life

March 2020

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IWC | International Whaling Commission

IWC | International Whaling Commission


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Joining the IWC


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IWC Finance & Funding


Database of Recommendations

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ICRW Convention


Rules of Procedure


About Whales



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Blue whale

Bottlenose dolphin

Bowhead whale

Bryde's whale

Common dolphin

Dusky dolphin

False killer whale

Fin whale

Gray whale

Humpback dolphin

Humpback whale

Irrawaddy dolphin

Killer whale

Minke whale

Pilot whale

Right whale

Sei whale

Sperm whale

Spinner dolphin

Spotted dolphin

Striped dolphin

Conservation & Management


Aboriginal subsistence whaling

Special Permit Whaling

Commercial Whaling

Total Catches

Revised Management Procedure

Animal welfare issues

Conservation Committee

Conservation Committee Working Methods

CC/SC Joint Working Group

Protocols & Best Practice Guidelines

Database of Recommendations


Expert Panel on Bycatch

Entanglement of Large Whales

Expert Advisory Panel on Entanglement Response

Best practice guidelines for entanglement responders


Advice to the public

Strandings Initiative

Expert Advisory Panel on Strandings

Ship Strikes

Environmental concerns

Climate change

Ocean Noise

Marine Debris

Chemical pollution

Cetacean diseases

Marine renewable energy developments

State of the Cetacean Environment Report (SOCER)

Conservation management plans

Western Gray Whale CMP

South Atlantic Southern Right Whale

South Pacific Southern Right Whale

Franciscana Dolphin

Amazon River Dolphin

Sanctuaries and MPAs

Whale Watching

Whale Watching Handbook

Small cetaceans

Small Cetaceans Voluntary Fund

Small Cetacean Task Teams

Small Cetaceans - Wildmeat

Cetaceans and Extinction


Scientific Research

Scientific Committee


Data Availability

Correspondence Groups

Scientific Committee Meetings

Protocols & Best Practice Guidelines

Database of Recommendations

IWC Research Funds

Guidelines for Funding Research

Small Cetaceans Voluntary Fund

Small Cetacean Voluntary Fund Donor List

Southern Ocean Research Partnership

International research cruises




Scientific Committee Reports

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State of the Cetacean Environment Report (SOCER)

Workshop Reports

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Meetings & Events

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SC69B - 2024

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Ship Strikes

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Blue whale

Bottlenose dolphin

Bowhead whale

Bryde's whale

Common dolphin

Dusky dolphin

False killer whale

Fin whale

Gray whale

Humpback dolphin

Humpback whale

Irrawaddy dolphin

Killer whale

Minke whale

Pilot whale

Right whale

Sei whale

Sperm whale

Spinner dolphin

Spotted dolphin

Striped dolphin

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Special Permit Whaling

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Commercial Whaling

Total Catches

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CC/SC Joint Working Group

Protocols & Best Practice Guidelines

Database of Recommendations

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Expert Panel on Bycatch

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Entanglement of Large Whales

Expert Advisory Panel on Entanglement Response

Best practice guidelines for entanglement responders

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Advice to the public

Strandings Initiative

Expert Advisory Panel on Strandings

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Environmental concerns

Climate change

Ocean Noise

Marine Debris

Chemical pollution

Cetacean diseases

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Marine renewable energy developments

State of the Cetacean Environment Report (SOCER)

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Conservation management plans

Western Gray Whale CMP

South Atlantic Southern Right Whale

South Pacific Southern Right Whale

Franciscana Dolphin

Amazon River Dolphin

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Small cetaceans

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Pollution 2025 Workshop

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Infractions Sub-Committee

Working Group on Whale Killing Methods and Welfare Issues

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Calculating Financial Contributions

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Aboriginal subsistence whaling

Catch Limits

Scientific advice

Information on hunts



Russian Federation


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Special Permit Whaling

SPW Scientific Cttee Review

SPW Catches

SPW Programmes

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Cetacean diseases

Infectious Disease

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Small Cetaceans Voluntary Fund

Population endemic Chilean dolphins southern Chile

Rapid assessment of the occurrence and conservation status of Guiana dolphins

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POWER Objectives

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Procedures for observers at IWC meetings

Procedures for non-member Government and IGO observers

Procedures for Non-Governmental Organisation observers

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News Archive

Call for papers: JCRM Special Issue on whale tagging

Comprehensive Assessment: North Pacific Humpback Whales

Lahille’s Bottlenose Dolphin: Task Team Workshop

Planning the next phase: Conservation Management Plan for southern right whales in western South Atlantic

Views and collaborators sought for Indian Ocean Monitoring Initiative

New Series of Scientific Committee Workshops: Small Cetaceans in the South Pacific

Technical meeting: western North Pacific minke whale

Crossing borders to address large whale entanglement: bi-national workshop in Puerto Williams, Chile

World Shipping Council: Whale Protection Conference launches ‘Whale Chart’ navigation aid

IWC and CMS collaborate for second workshop on Cetacean Ecosystem Functioning

Successful conclusion to strandings response training across the Caribbean region

Large Whale Disentanglement Training in Puntarenas, Costa Rica

The IWC welcomes new Executive Secretary, Martha Rojas Urrego

Annual IWC Pacific Research Cruises Sets Sail

Workshop: In-depth Assessment for western North Pacific Minke

Contract awarded: Survey of Indigenous and Human Rights Instruments

First ever Extinction Alert from the IWC

Tripartite entanglement response training at the Pelagos Sanctuary

From population assessments to pingers and pearls: the Scientific Committee reports on a wide-ranging meeting

Emergency Response and Capacity Building on the agenda at IWC Strandings Workshop

Starting today: the IWC Scientific Committee meeting

Franciscana dolphins aerial surveys in Uruguay: overcoming a challenge

IWC General Principles for Whale Watching: additional support for operators, regulators & travellers

Seismic survey questionnaire

Published today: Chair’s Report of the 2022 IWC Meeting

El Salvador joins the Global Whale Entanglement Response Network

Focus on collaboration and coordination at FAO Regional Secretariat’s Organisation

Oman workshop Arabian Sea humpback

IWC resumes in-person entanglement response training in Italy

IWC Plenary: Day Five

IWC Plenary: Day Four

IWC Plenary: Day Three

IWC Plenary: Day Two

IWC Plenary: Day One


Vacancy at IWC Headquarters: Editorial Assistant

Intersessional Report of the IWC 2018-22

IWC-POWER research cruise sets sail

Report of the 2022 Scientific Committee Meeting available now.

Bycatch and illegal fishing on the agenda of a new, international collaboration

Brazil hosts Conservation Management Plan Workshops for two vulnerable populations in the southwest Atlantic 

Third virtual meeting of the IWC Scientific Committee begins

IWC workshop: the value of whales to the ecosystem

Scientific Committee Implementation Review workshop

Annual Scientific Committee meeting begins

Collaboration and co-existence: the key to bycatch reduction and a winning formula for Pedro Fruet

Available now: IWC Scientific Committee meeting report for 2021

Annual IWC-POWER research cruise sets sail from Shiogama, Japan

75 years of recommendations: the IWC’s new, public database

Special Virtual Meeting: Actions on Voting Rights and the Plight of the Vaquita

IWC-POWER completes twelfth successful research voyage

Fifth IWC Workshop on Climate Change and Cetaceans will focus on increased efforts and collaboration

Pollution 2025: Intersessional Workshop

75 years of the IWC

Marine debris workshop, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

IWC Whale Watch Operators Workshop, Brisbane, Australia

Conservation Management Plans, IWC Working Group Brisbane, Australia

Southern Ocean Research Partnership (SORP) Conference, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, 31 May – 2 June

2013 IWC Scientific Committee Meeting, Jeju, Republic of Korea

IWC POWER Research Cruise

Extending the global whale entanglement response network – IWC training in Salinas, Ecuador.

2013 IWC Scientific Committee Report published

2013 POWER Research Cruise sets sail

New IWC Bureau meets in St Lucia, September 2013

IWC-POWER Whale Research Ship Coming to Shiogama, Japan

Extending the global whale entanglement response network

Journal of Cetacean Research and Management moves online and open access

CMP Working Group Report Published

Now published - report of the IWC Whale Watch Operators Workshop

Research establishes whale-friendly approach to seismic surveys

Extending the global whale entanglement response network

Arctic Impacts Workshop, 6-7 March 2014

Understanding the threat to cetaceans from microplastics and PAHS - Pollution 2020

North Pacific Gray Whale - range-wide review begins

Cetaceans and the Soundscape workshop

IWC report published on stranded cetaceans – Euthanasia Protocols to Optimize Welfare Concerns

The whale entanglement response network extends to the Dominican Republic

Successful release of entangled gray whale calf by newly trained Mexican response team

Workshop: Collisions Between Marine Mammals and Ships, 18-20 June, 2014

Nineteen cetacean species recorded by the latest IWC-POWER Research Cruise in the eastern North Pacific

Long distance acoustic monitoring: the IWC-Southern Ocean Research Project (SORP)

Experts gather for second marine debris workshop

IWC Workshop - Southern Right Whale Die-Off and Kelp Gull Management

The fifth IWC-POWER research cruise sets sail.

Extending the whale entanglement response network – Tonga and Vanuatu.

Vaquita: increasing concern for Mexico's 'little cow.'

The 65th IWC meeting gets underway in Slovenia

Aboriginal whaling and sanctuaries on the first day's agenda at the IWC meeting in Slovenia.

Ongoing discussions and a Resolution regarding highly migratory species at IWC65

Endangered vaquita and western gray whale on the agenda at the IWC meeting in Slovenia

IWC’s 65th meeting closes with progress - and praise for a constructive dialogue

Extending the global whale entanglement network - Oaxaca, Mexico

IWC and SPREP - the benefits of collaboration

Extending the whale entanglement network - Baja California Peninsula, Mexico

Satellite tagging to help understand Southern Right Whale Die-Off in Patagonia

IWC POWER Research Programme prepares for next phase.

Expert assistance to help minimise the risk of collision to both racing crews and whales

Expanding and evolving: the Global Entanglement Response Network

Workshop to progress Strike Limit Algorithms for Greenland Subsistence Hunts

Expert Review Panel workshop of NEWREP special permit proposal

RMP Implementation Reviews workshop: North Atlantic minke and fin whales

The IWC brings ship strikes to the agenda of Whalefest, Brighton.

Stage two of the Gray Whale Rangewide Review.

New report highlights surprising gray whale telemetry results

Growing success: the IWC Global Whale Entanglement Response Network

New website section explains the work of the Small Cetacean Voluntary Fund

Research confirms perilous fin whale migration across busy shipping lanes

The Scientific Committee of the IWC meets in San Diego

Humpback whale 'Spinnaker' disentangled for the third time

IWC Scientific Committee report is published

Entanglement response training for IWC-POWER research crew - Shiogama, Japan

The sixth IWC-POWER research cruise sets sail from Japan

A very real test for IWC's entanglement apprentices

IWC Bureau meets in Bern, Switzerland

Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling: Expert Workshop begins in Greenland

Building capacity - entanglement response apprentices share their knowledge

Report of the IWC Expert Workshop on Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling

New paper presents major advances in understanding of Omura’s whale

An experimental success: entanglement & stranding response training in Oman

Entanglement Response Training: critically endangered Southern Right Whales

IWC Entanglement Training in Eastern Caribbean

International collaboration on mass strandings and large scale mortalities

Prestigious award for IWC funded scientist

Sustainable whalewatching on the agenda in the Indian Ocean

Call for Applications – the Small Cetaceans Voluntary Fund

IWC Entanglement Response Training for Greenland

IWC-SORP Research Fund - Call for Proposals

IWC entanglement response training for northern Peru

Entanglement response training for southern Brazil

IWC Plenary begins in Portorož, Slovenia

A wide variety of topics on day two of the IWC Plenary

Focus on whaling, welfare, cetacean health and habitat on day three

Five Resolutions adopted on day four of IWC66

A comprehensive and diverse workplan is agreed as 2016 Plenary concludes

Need for collaboration is demonstrated at entanglement workshop, Mexico

Special Permit Whaling: Expert Panel Review

Applications sought for new Voluntary Assistance Fund

Scientific Committee meeting begins in Slovenia

Scientific Committee Report available

IWC entanglement and stranding response training for Sakhalin, Russia

Annual IWC-POWER Cruise sets sail from Alaska

Cetacean Tagging Workshop begins in the US

IWC-POWER Research Ship returns to Japan

IWC entanglement response training for Norway

Entanglement training concludes in Columbia

Latest satellite tagging information shows that nothing is simple in cetacean science

IWC Governance Review Report published today

Successful conclusion to Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling Group Workshop (ASWWG)

IWC Scientific Committee Meets in Bled

Publication of annual Scientific Committee Report

Entanglement Response Experts Meet in Provincetown, USA

Marine Mammal Bycatch on the agenda at FAO

IWC Plenary Meeting begins in Florianopolis, Brazil

IWC meeting opens with agreement on next steps for IWC Governance Review

IWC67: discussions on Subsistence Whaling and vote on South Atlantic Sanctuary

Subsistence whaling catch limits & £50,000 for bycatch initiative

Future direction of IWC & special permit whaling on IWC agenda

IWC Plenary concludes in Florianopolis, Brazil

Launch of the global Whale Watching Handbook

Statement on Government of Japan withdrawal from the IWC

Multi-faceted approach to protecting endangered southern right whales in the eastern South Pacific.

Scientific Committee workshop: western North Pacific common minke whales

IWC Workshop: Locating Ship Strike Hotspots

IWC Workshop: Understanding Small Cetacean Catches

Collaboration at the heart of the first Bycatch Mitigation Initiative workshop

Annual Scientific Committee begins in Nairobi

IWC entanglement response training for Kenya

Whale Song Library and Satellite Tagging Guidelines amongst wide-ranging recommendations of the 2019 Scientific Committee

Expanding entanglement response capability for endangered Southern right whales in the western South Atlantic.

Annual IWC-POWER Cruise sets sail from Alaska

Small Cetaceans Task Team workshop: South Asian River Dolphins

IWC attends Whaling Captains’ Convention, Utqiaġvik, Alaska

Bycatch Mitigation in the Indian Ocean: IWC workshop report published

Latest Entanglement Response trainees complete an action-packed apprenticeship in Cape Cod.

IWC hosts international biodiversity group

Entanglement response training in Scottish Highlands

Conservation Management Plans: raising awareness at every level

Guiana dolphin workshop gets underway in Brazil

Next steps in work to understand and mitigate the threat to cetaceans from marine debris

New Tagging Guidelines to protect whales and their observers

Review of the IWC’s Pacific Ocean Whale and Ecosystem Research Programme (IWC-POWER)

Workshop: status of the Franciscana dolphin

Indian Ocean's whale watching aims for gold standard in sustainability 

Species of the Week

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Week Two - IWC Species of the Week

New publication: IWC Scientific Committee’s 2019 annual meeting report

Species of the Week - Week Three

Species of the Week - Week Four

Virtual meeting of the IWC Scientific Committee begins

Species of the Week - Week Five

Species of the Week - Week Six

IWC reflects on World Oceans Day 2020 - with collaboration at its core

Available now: report of the 2020 (virtual) meeting of the IWC Scientific Committee

New educational resources for Whale Watching Handbook

Marine debris: a substantial threat with more research required

Pacific whale and ecosystem research programme completes 11th annual cruise.

Meeting of the Conservation Committee: six work plans, 150 participants and over £125,000 of voluntary contributions

Guided tours of the Whale Watching Handbook

75 years of the IWC

Successful response to entangled Arabian Sea humpback

Published: FAO technical guidelines to reduce and prevent bycatch

Call for Applications – the Small Cetaceans Voluntary Fund

On World Wildlife Day, scientists highlight the threat of cetacean extinctions - and importance of acting now

JCRM relaunch - a long-standing journal for today’s digital age

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Conservation Committee

Voluntary Fund for Conservation

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Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling Sub-Committee

Voluntary Fund for Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling

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Makah Tribe

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Species of the Week

Whale of the week 2020

The International Whaling Commission - IWC

The IWC was established in 1946 as the global body responsible for management of whaling and conservation of whales. Today the IWC has 88 member countries. The mandate has not changed but many new conservation concerns exist and the IWC work programme now also includes bycatch & entanglement, ship strikes, ocean noise, pollution and debris, and sustainable whale watching.

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Call for papers: JCRM Special Issue on whale tagging


The IWC’s Journal of Cetacean Research & Management (JCRM) plans to launch a new Special Issue on cetacean tagging in 2024, and is calling for papers on key topics.

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news archive


Lahille’s Bottlenose Dolphin: Task Team Workshop  

6 days ago

Members of the IWC Task Team for Lahille’s bottlenose dolphins are meeting in Brazil in March.


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Comprehensive Assessment: North Pacific Humpback Whales

8 days ago

 In March, a small group of Scientific Committee specialists will gather in Seattle, USA, to complete the next stage in a comprehensive assessment of North Pacific humpback whales.


Comprehensive assessments provide the Commission with information on the current status of a particular whale population within a particular region, usually an ocean basin. The assessment tells the Commission whether that population is recovered, recovering, or cause for concern. It also identifies any factors that may affect the current status.


The process has several stages, beginning with a review of existing information and identification of key data gaps.


Understanding the structure of the population is a key component of this stage. Just as one species may exist in a number of different populations around the world, the population in one ocean basin may be divided into different sub-populations, also known as ‘stocks.’ Even within a relatively small area, some stocks may be healthy whilst others are not, so it is important to understand, as far as possible, how the stocks are structured. It is hard to establish stock structure with complete certainty and so scientists often recommend several alternative hypotheses, each of which is incorporated into the assessment.Other information required to conduct the assessment includes:

- estimates of the current and past size of the population

- estimates of current and past removals from the population: deaths caused by impacts   such as hunting, bycatch or ship strikes- biological information such as growth rates, age of sexual maturity and male/female ratios

- environmental information

This information is obtained from a wide range of data sources such as genetic research, satellite tagging programmes, sightings surveys and photo-ID catalogues. Some of this information may exist already but much must be commissioned as part of the Comprehensive Assessment.


All available data are collated and used to develop a series of plausible scenarios relating to recommended hypotheses on stock structure; these are tested using computer modelling. Population models are developed based on each stock structure hypothesis. The analytical approach also includes tests to incorporate levels of uncertainty, inevitable in work that is reliant on many different types of inputs.


The Comprehensive Assessment of North Pacific Humpback whales began in 2016. Work since then includes analyses of genetic data and abundance, and use of an automated photo-ID algorithm to facilitate a large-scale photo-ID matching exercise. A number of refinements have been made as new data became available. New satellite tag research is also now being incorporated, which analyses data from tags deployed across both breeding and feeding grounds of the North Pacific humpbacks over a thirty year period.


The group has established and recommended two hypotheses for stock structure in breeding areas and two separate hypotheses for stock structure in feeding areas. The workshop in March will continue the computer modelling work and report to the next meeting of the Scientific Commission which begins in April.

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Planning the next phase: Conservation Management Plan for southern right whales in western South Atlantic

9 days ago

The next assessment of the Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for southern right whales in the western South Atlantic will be held in March, in Santos, Brazil.

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New Series of Scientific Committee Workshops: Small Cetaceans in the South Pacific

31 Jan 2024

In Auckland, New Zealand this February, the IWC will hold the first in a new series of workshops, reviewing dolphin and porpoise species in the South Pacific Island region.

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History, structure, membership and key documents.

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Species, taxonomy, population estimates and status.

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Scientific Committee including Handbook, research funds, partnerships and cruises.

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Whaling, conservation & welfare issues including whale watching and small cetaceans.

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Dates and information on past and future IWC & sub-committee meetings and workshops.

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JCRM Journal, document & image archive, databases & apps, protocols & guidelines, communications and media resources.

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